trishil or one of them.. planned to go out today..go they called me along..
so i finish class at 3pm..they went there at they watch movie first lorr..
anyway, so suyen was gonna take taxi to mv.. since mv was on my i just went to Taman Jaya LRT Station and drop her at MV..den i went over to karen's condo..
Karen Lui was watching American Pie: Band Camp.. so i watch along larr.. it was hilarious ok..
so i went for class lorr... we got back results for 1st quiz this sem.. theory i got 86% and aural i got 89%.. ahhahaha.. anyway,, class ended ngam ngam at 3pm eventho i hope it ended early..but i told suyen i'd be there by 3.30pm.. i flew outta college... and reached there at 3.15.. i left college borders at 3.05pm.. i was 10 mins.. not bad not bad..
looked for parking space.. park at the new parking block again.. it's labelled J... colour..
so andrew came to get me.. that was 3.20...3.25?
so i was hungry..they were playing foosball.. wait, i forgot to say who was there.. trishil, suyen, me, amily, isabella, anais, andrew, munhon, ram, jaya, chris and richard.. and ram brought his cousin along larr.. so anyway, the group of girls.. they teman me to McD's.. i ate McFlurry.. ahahhaha.. then practically.. we all jalan jalan jalan jalan jalan ..den suyen had to leave.. that was 6pm... coz she curfew.. 7pm.. andrew and me 8pm..the rest talak curfew.. ahhaha..
so drew n i left about 6plus... he had flu.. poor thing.. i hope he didn't spread it to me.. hahahha..
now my family.. excluding me..they're about to leave to Sg. Siput, Perak for one night..den 2mrw they going Langkawi.. without me.. because i've college... sigh...
i'm gonna be all alone... sigh... ALL ALONE.. i'd have to wake myself up with no one to tell me..YOU'RE LATE FOR CLASS.. and nobody cut fruits at night..den i gotta wash my own clothes..everything on my own.. hahah.. last time probably i'd be so happy but now i'm like.. sigh... well, yeah i can stay up as late as i want and all larr.. but... all alone... sigh...
this friday cousin is getting married... i don't feel like going but i gotta represent my family since they're not here..
oh well, that's about today larr... ^^
i'm just THAT INTO the song by Angela Aki..i really like her.. beautiful pianist...
she may not look like some hot chick but.. she is pretty.. she just likes a humble profile..
this is a pic which shows her in a better...look? no larr.. it's the way she dresses...more stylish here..
usually it's just a t-shirt and jeans..
anyway, her song title is Sakurairo.. which means Colours of Sakura.. very very nice..
that's why i put it as my blog song lorr...
then i thought, it's time for a makeover in my blog.. so i edit the whole thing to fit the song..
all for a song.. hahhahaha..
i noe pink isn't my thing but i love cherry for thier sake, it's alright..
the OTHER thing is.. i bought drum sticks today!! NOT CHICKEN DRUM STICKS..
but DRUM punyer stick.. happy.. i wanted the black ones.. but the man in mahagony said they only sell the basic ones... nylon covered ones and wooden covered ones or watever u called them.. he said the black ones costs like 58 bucks the last time he saw.. they used to be 20+.. hahah.. anyway, the basic sticks i got were only 18bucks.. hahahaha..
that's about it for today i guess.. ohyeah..i ate at wongkok chan teng..watever it's called..
it's actually nice..ahhahah.. anyway, itu jerr for today's entry~
jya matane!~
just now.. my aunt called out to me n dad...
my left tyre really puncture...
i was so scared..i went down and saw..the tyre totally flat... no air.. at all..
so u see, i was right.. my 6th sense felt it..
i was very very very scared even though it was over...
i started crying again.. *swt* seriously, it's over and i'm still scared...
if only i can tell my mom how scared i was but i can only laugh and tell her.. hahahaha...
so dumb... i was okay this morning when i woke up edi... but when i saw the tyre.. i got scared again...
i'm really very scared to drive edi.. i'm really.... scared.. there's something with the car...
something always happens when i'm driving it... i think i need time out... for awhile.. some time..
just now after was raining heavily..and there was this major thunderstorm.. thunder and lightning...i was scared..i saw the lightning strike like in front of low..i drove very slowly..hard to see the was very very heavy.. never driven at this kinda situation before... so when i reached the traffic light near some place.. got slight flood..i thought, alright..i can handle it..just a little water.. i smsed suyen before piano, she said she watching pirates of the carribean so i left her alone...
when i reached the roundabout before the assunta was quite high... so i got really scared.. i sms suyen and andrew.. suyen said she's dead.. i don't know why.. but i said it's flooded now, not only heavy rain.. den she said again.. i'm dead...that's all i got from her.. and andrew didn't reply me..
i reach assunta roundabout..the flooded got higher... i was so scared.. i was so scared...i started crying... the flood was so bad... and when reach the other roads..they were flooded as well.. i've never driven in that kinda situation and it was kinda dark and still raining heavily..
the water caused so much tension to the wheels..i wasn't used to it and i was having all kinds of thought..thinking that my left front wheel puncture..or my steering wheel was gonna crack up..
i reached home crying.. my grandparents were at the door waiting for me... my grandma saw me crying..and i told her everything.. and she said it's alright.. my grandpa said every time there also flood..don't worry...
....and after i came back..i dried myself and all... andrew replied n said..sorry was watching pirates of the carribean.. seriously, i don't know why i didn't reply him.. i'm not mad at all..
and practically..didn't answer to anyone when my phone rang... i think..i need some time alone..
until i feel better from the... traumatic experience...
i'm telling must be the clothes i'm wearing..
i'm wearing the exact same thing i wore on the day i got banged and today some stupid blind bat of a motorcyclist bang me..
after the barrier lifted up..i go down was down i went down so fucking slow..since there was a bump and this fat pig of a girl was walking there... so i slowly decended..out of the blue the girl walk out ...WTF...SHE NEVER SEE GOT CAR WAN i break larr... i was already fucking slow..i break n dun break also like no difference..
bumper..right backside patah...idiot.. the man from indon sumore.. *swt*
sigh... i din mom pulak screw me...... maybe i sit train better....
was on the way to drew's house..
..was driving mengganasly... i turned into a curve..and some motorist was very close behind me..
at quite a fast speed..andrew was like.. WHY U DRIVE SO MENGGANAS...
the motorist was honking madly... bad larr... i memang tengah mengganas..
after that i was laughing larr..i told drew sorry larr..i drive slowly..
ahhahaha..i dunno why i so selamba.. hahaha..
of all the times she called..she called when i was eating lunch with my mom..
i picked up the call..and talk talk talk..she was you still remember me?
i'm like..yeah...she ask me when i'm weekdays alright?
so i'm larr..weekdays got college..only weekends..
so she suggested this coming saturday after 5pm den she's free...
so i said alright..i'll ask my parents first...den she said, usually i will forget the person's look..
but i still remember yours..u leave an impression to me..
i was like... wtf...
so anyway, she put down the phone and my mom was like..who is that?
so..kantoi larr.. no way to hide...sigh... i told her everything and..she said..alright..i'll discuss this with ur dad... i'm like... up to you larr... ish.... she HAD TO call when i'm with my mom...
today arr... hahaha...after swimming ...jie ying and i went to a&w to makan brunch..
at 11am.... jason called.. " where r u? " - i'm in a&w- "HARR!! YOU GOT MAJOR NOW!!" -OMG!! SHIT..I COME BACK NOW!!-
I ACTUALLY FORGOTTEN I HAD MAJOR AFTER JASON!! so jieying n i tapao n flew back..heheh..reached back at 11.15am.. called jason and said " eh, which class?" den jason said -harr? we all going yumcha now..wait arr- den my lecturer ms.pearly said 'go block A..we go yumcha..' i was like..teacher!! i rushed back!!!
so we went yumcha...we all feasted on my likes waffle..ahhaha..n jiying ate her chicken..and we yumcha till 11.45... and had my 15mins lesson..ahhahahahha!!! syok right?
hahahha....den after 5pm.. i went meet up with andrew.. i dunno why i went ok.. i guess i just... miss him so much.. ahhaha...i was supposed to be home by 5.30... i stayed..linger and reached home about 7pm.. hhahahha..den mom was like.. u got no piano today merr? i'm like..erm..yeah i did..after that i went to old town to photocopy some stuff den i bumped into an old friend and we talk till now.. ahhahahaha..... the spontaneous me... =P
today's class was 12-1 and 5-6pm..
so in between...karen they all managed to persuade me to go MV.. so we went there larr..
i bumped into azuwa..i walked passed and i shouted...AZUWA!! [ they were in plastic ] den she was like..oh!! look who's here and she showed me..HUIWEN!! i hugged her like mad.. .hahah..den i called suyen and she was like so jealous of me... hahahahhahahhahah!!!
we were looking at some shop..selling cute keychains... den this lady came up to me from behind 'how tall are you?' i looked around and i saw the lady i'm like........ 174cm.. den we all stare at her in shock.... O_O SERIOUSLY, IT WAS SO FREAKY.. den she's like.. i'm sorry..didn't mean to scare u all... i'm like.. what does she want... compare height? den her friend came over..and she's like it's hard to find someone so tall...yada yada so on so forth..den she said..this is my friend..she's korean..
we're from Peace Model Malaysia.. i was like thinking.. 'not again...swt' she went on talking n talking i'm like..yeah yeah yeah..and she gave me her card..she took my number..and gave me her number n i cabut... hahahhahaha.....I'M NOT INTERESTED AND karen they all were laughing behind there..i wanna walk off but... i'm not mean enough to do so.. those of u who know me well..u faham larr.. now i'll just sit at home..and pray that they forget to call me... SERIOUSLY, i think they scared i give them fake number... she misscall me on the spot.. and said, that's my number.. i'm like...ok...and they STILL WANNA TALK..i'm like...alright...bye...cabut.. and i kena teased all the way *swt* shoulda kick them outta the car in the rain just now.... hahahhahahah
been pretty busy lately..the new timetable is killing me... the classes all end so late!!
yday..class was at 8am..oklorr..i left house at was raining heavily..
usually it takes me 5 mins to reac CHS, yday it took me half an hour.. what more..when i was slightly away from Esso,..MY PETROL WAS RUNNING OUT..i forgot to check petrol!!!
i panic larr..was sms-ing andrew..he's like.. go pump petrol oni larr... i called mom.. hahah..
she said the same i pumped petrol..YVONNE PUMPED PETROL WEH!!
so anyway, after i passed CHS..the road was clear..i zoomed pass the highway and toll..and reached the roundabout to turn to my college...usually it takes about 2-3 mins to reach from that roundabout...
yesterday, it took me half an hour... so i was late for class for half an hour.. it was moral studies..
teacher wasn't teaching..thank God... she was telling us about assignments n asking us to discuss n choose the topic..lucky me.. hahahha...
somehow, the assuntarian suyen n me... this time dragging trishil along..
we always go out with the CHS gang..hahahhahah....
we went to celebrate Chuan Zhou's bday...watched Spiderman 3..
it's quite's nice.... it's funny...
we ate at Nando's... there were more than10 of us.. trishil, suyen, me, andrew, eujoe, kahchong, minyun, somre pretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl, kar ee and chuan zhou..
so after eating, suyen me n trish went to get the cake..they thought we going toilet.. so earlier on, we asked cz u like cheese or chocolate..he said we got Lemon Cheesecake...
we came back..set it up at another table..den we got andrew to carry it.. hahah..
den we sang happy bday!! so loud that everyone was staring at us... so we walked around n stuff...den went to watch Spidey3 lorr... den we..went home..ahhahah.. itu jerr...
spidey3 was nice..n funny too!! right..gotta eat dinner... bye bye!!!
the new timetable for this semester is horrible..
monday i have like 8 hours break!!!
chi sin right?!! many classes end like..late!!
this semester..we gotta prepare for THREE concerts!! we're so doomed...
today went to andrew's hse...both very tired.. and we fell asleep...
WE ACTUALLY FELL ASLEEP...and den andrew woke me up..i saw so dark i said..good morning
=.=" den i saw the time i'm like.. OH SHIT!! almost 7pm liao... hahah..we tertidur mann... *swt*
i came home.. OMGosh, why my laptop off liao??
denz..i press the Power button..DENGZ... cannot on..
dad came home n check..
wahhh..laptop rosak..most probably burnt..hahaha..
maybe i should start switching off my laptop in future..
couldn't sleep last night..
something was bothering me..
one of it was probably because of the lack of KOKO KRUNCH..
so, wat i've been doing at night without food?
before my mom sleeps, i survive on raisins.... she can't say anything about the raisins...
so every night i wait for her to sleep....i'd give her 10-15mins ...
den i'll run to the kitchen..grab the KOKO KRUNCH and bring to my room..
but now i control eating it slowly.... not by the bunch by the second.. hahahhaa...
but guess wat? i just finish my big box of Sun.Maid raisins... O_O
wat am i gonna do?!!!! water just doesn't satisfy me!!!!!!
today is the last day of my holidays~
the lady who comes to my house n cuts our hair came today...
she was like..omg..u grew sumore!! go become model..i was like *swt*
so my mom said, why don't u layer ur hair again.. so i said..okla..
so she told the lady..layer larr... and the lady..yalarr..layer..
so they talk talk cut grandma, my mom n that lady we all talk talk talk..
when it was done.. they were like.. you look SO MUCH better!!!
she CHOPPED my hair.. it's SHORT NOW!! arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..
will update photo later... IF i have the mood..
clock struck 11pm.... kc n drew ajak me dota.. ok..i Dota...
grabbed the big packet of Koko Krunch i just opened this afternoon.. Economy Pack..
Big, Nice and Lasting... welll can last me for 3days max. came outta the bathroom..
Mom: Yvonne, you took the Koko Krunch into your room arr?
Me : Yeah.. *continue Dota-ing*
Mom: STOP EATING IT..unhealthy lifestyle.. you ate so many fruits just now, still hungry?
So late edi still eat snacks? STOP EATING...put it back in the kitchen.. one Koko Krunch
cost about 10 bucks.. one night u eat about 3-4 bucks.. 3 DAYS IT'LL BE MISSING...
Me : Mmm... *dota*
Mom: If you hungry... go drink water...
Me : *shocked*
See!!! Pity me right.. no more snacks....sigh..........PITY ME.... no more koko krunch after midnight.... sigh....
last week's holiday.. was the most eventful and busy holiday...
why? everyday SURE got something on wan.... either i go out.. friends come over... or.. i go out..
hahahah...but i've decided..that this week's holiday..would be a normal holiday..
stay at home and do things i USED to do when had nothing to do last time..
yesterday..i gamed for awhile..den i went on the piano for a bit..den had my lunch...den i went back to the piano..den i gamed a bit..den i did my theory work.. the part where i was supposed to search about the background of Mozart, Scarlatti and Granados . don't ask who they are.. i only noe Mozart.. but these 3 composers are the 3 songs i picked for my LCM Gr8 exam THEREFORE, i must find out who they they died so yesterday, i did on Mozart..after that, i somehow went for cycling..hahah..long time never cycle edi.. i cycled..den i come home n brought my sister to the playground..i dunno larr..we went to the playground larr.. then i came home..
chat here chat 2 rounds of Dota..den back to Mozart..'s holiday..i dunno wat holiday it is..i ALREADY am on holiday so i dun care.. it's either Wesak or Labor's Day..i woke up at 12.15pm like that..first time in my life wake up so late.. i told andrew to wake me up at 10 plus like the usual.. and i woke up at 12.15pm to find that..he also JUST woke up.. *swt* den i went n search for Granados.. His name is Enrique Granados.. i like the enrique.. but that bugger had a misai that looked like Captain Hook's misai from Peter Pan.. least he doesn't have white hair that looks like the wig u wear in court because Mozart and Scarlatti has it.. they're old i guess.. Granados totally different era edi.. so i finished on Granados.. and now i'm actually in the middle of doing .....Scarlatti.. his Domenico Scarlatti... they've such weird names.. but quite nice also.. enrique.. domenico.. the weirdest one is Mozart larr.. Wolfgang?? Amadeus?? [ o2jam got one nice song called Amadeus ] and Mozart.. ok... beethoven also one weird one.. Ludwig??? Van....??? Beethoven.. ok ok...i'm mean.. let them rest in peace..
from wat i found out.. Mozart was poor..DAMN poor.. he died in an anonymous grave with a cheap funeral... poor thing.. and Granados even stupid-er... he was in a ship called Sussex or something and it was torpedoed by the German U-boat... and he was in his life boat when he saw his wife flailing some distance away..he jumped into the sea and drowned.. why?? granados had a morbid fear of water his whole life.. BODOHNYERR... the MOST normal death is Scarlatti lorr.. he just kong..mati liao..died of old age i guess... he was 75 when he died.. hahaha... watever it is..Granados is just SAD... can't believe i'm joking about them.. OKOK..i mean it now.. Let the composers die in PEACE!!
okayz..i gotta go makan dinner..tonight.. hheheheh..GOT STEAMBOAT..syok gilerr.. hungry edi.. jya matane minasan!!!