had BBQ at boon's house which is a 30-40secs walk from my house...
it started raining about ...6 plus..so aw came over to my hse first..that time very jam..
so after awhile when the rain not so heavy edi..we went over..with umbrella...
we were shouting BOON!!! den he came out..then out of n
o where a guy in white shirt and blue board pants came out..CEHH..TAN CAME EDI..and chew...also...
anyway, they started the fire and all..
yare yare so on so on...then they got out the sticks which they call skewers however u spell it..
and start cocoking the marinated chicken WHICH i did not touch
...blehh... wait..who was there ar?
boon, chew,chia,tan,aw,phun[how2spell?],chris,duncan[entah siapa]..and who ar? i've a feeling i left out some1 but i can't remember who...... anyway, as chris [ the expert barbeque-er] bbq the food..chew makan all...HE'S SO THIN BUT HE WHACK LIKE A LION..
then we bbq sausages, patties and ..MUTTON..I ACTUALLY TOUCHED THE MUTTON..

at first chew kept saying "LUI YAN..DO SOMETHING, LUI YAN THIS LUI YAN THAT.." because i wasn't doing anything..COME ON..RAW CHICKEN MEAT..blehh.. but after awhile i did the sausages n other stuff...hhahahha...yeap..i actually helped..we ate 6 packets of sausages!!
chew gobbled a whole lot of mutton AND chicken AND still ha
d a flat stomach...we laughed we talked we shouted and ...WE PLAYED MUSIC...hahahha..there was a piano, a guitar and an ELECTRIC GUITAR MANN!! chris n boon..can play guitar!! kami orang banyak bising larr...
lolx...BUT IT WAS FUN LARR...couldn't take much pix coz all tangan kotor...
but about 10.30 like that we started cleaning up..and we started sp
lashing water..ahhahah..
went back home about 11..pix pix pix >>>

heating up the fire.. if that's wat i think tan's doing..
chew..cocoking the chicken to the "stick".. with another set of hands sticking out on the side..
attempt 1: chew teaching tan how to cocok chicken to stick
we all watch..the learning process of tan..and his skills at chicken cocoking
attempt 2: attempt 1 failed. aw teaching tan how to cocok again...seems like tan no paying attention BUT he succeeded in learning..
chris....our chef... hahaha.........doing the honors of cooking..hahahahha..HE MAKES EXCELLENT PATTIES..
: : Self Interpretation : :
after eating, we're all making noise in the hse

finally, some one aw can teach piano too.. Tan...another...erm...sad case?
i dunno who took this pic..should be chia... u ..think wat they're doing lar...boon n aw's expression so..funny..lolx

that's abt it larr...tooooooooo much to blog out and i'm tired..i'm sure they all are but they all gay..go dating in Dota..

tomorrow is Assunta's Sports Day..weee~ i'm going!!

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tomoko is having andrewithdrawal syndrome~
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