so i went back to Sungai Siput in Perak as usual for EVERY Chinese New Year..
reached there...1st day of CNY, follow cousin go out again, meet the same people again and laughed our way to each others house till midnight..den continue party again in uncle's house till 3-4am since he had friends over..i KINDA studied la..a lil here a lil there..practised piano and flute also..
i went back and my grandma was like..YVONNE YOU FAT EDI!! and all my uncles and aunties, about 6 of them all at once..SHE THIN EDI LA!! YOU COCK EYE AR? and my grandma was like.. ya merr?? hahahaha...damn funny..
den wat else arr...?? we went visiting lah..and .. let's just say every night and day was party and gamble till 3am..except that on the 2nd day of CNY, i stayed home and study.. hahahha..serious..
den 3rd day i loosen up abit and game in gamble..ahahhaha...anyway, i miss my lil cousin so much... he's just soooooo adorable.. too adorable.. steve and me..but we call him xuan xuan
he's not looking at the camera here..swt me and xuan xuan..AGAIN
this pic pulak blur sikit..maaflah..adik aku yang ambil..
nothing much lah, just had loads of fun actually..we had steamboat last night... hehehe..
me, peiyee and baya were the last to leave the table..all our uncles and aunties said we're mad and crazy..we sat there, eventho tooooooo full edi..we drank soup..and i'm like... sek choi [ eat vege ] and repeated it like 50 times and my aunty also terikut me.. hahah..den i'm like.. yum tong [ drink soup ] den the 2 of them terikut me also.. hahaha..we damn sot lah..anyway, the steamboat was delicious..hahha...seperated into 2 tables..too many ppl dad's the one in the funny green
grandma sitting down in red..hahaha...two tables..
didn't have enough space to take the pic properly.
my bad.. and the girl in the checks red and white thing.. is my cousin peiyee [penny] hahaha...
this pic i lagi had no place to take..was almost falling
the table.. hahahah..there's my aunty in the brown baby T..she said 'sek choi' with me!! she sot with me de!!
left Sg. Siput at 12.01am.. hahha..reached home about 3am to avoid the jam..and i woke up this morning for class.IMAGINE THAT..I'M SO RAJINTED..hahhahahahaa...anyway, came back..made breakfast [ lin gou ] and by the time my mom and i were done, it was lunch time [swt] i'm telling you, I CAN'T COOK... well, i'm tired and i need to sleep and ganti hutang tidur.. later gonna visit 'yi gung' 2nd grand uncle.. *yawnz* tired...
once again people, :
single handedly typed by
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