notice the extra amount of short forms used 2day?
nth much happened 2day besides the fact that i had no class from 11-5.30pm..
addam called..sat go check out piano wd him..
oh yeah...SPM Results is on the 12th of March, Monday..
that's about it..i'm lazy tired and missing andrew.. as usual..hahahhaa..i guess.. ^^
btw, charmaine..wat's so important? i miss call u but u didn't on9 call didn't get thru to NZ?
Monday, 26th of February 2007
went to college as usual lorr.. had World Music exam so the previous night i was up until 2.30am and it was the 'bai tin gong' there were fireworks all night and stuff..kinda studied..watched Oura High School Host Club halfway..hahhhaa...knowing me..i'm like that went for the Exam.. had 20 MCQ's and one essay.. well, i dunno how badly i did since World Music has a record of 80% fail every semester..but at least, i managed the essay..hahhaha..i did the question on Globalization, advantages and disadvantages..of course, on the musical point of view.. hahaha..
and i saw her shaking her head, i'm like.. huh? she was like, i'm not done!
den Juan was like..i saw u looking at her paper..this is the 2nd time..and Juan was like.. out.. and she didn't wanna move and he was like..OUT..NOW! and so she packed and left..and we were like, OMGosh, he's so freaky..!! so we had a..silence no peaking/head turning exam AT ALL..
what? down there?! and we ALL burst out was hilarious mann i tell u... hahahha...coz the table blocking ma.. so she dunno wat was going on...DAMN FUNNY I TELL YOU...den got one more funny time where they were talking about movies..i'm very blur about movies..she was like..some saw tree.. i heard saw i said lah..wat saw chee? then she was like..SAW TREE..den she went on abt this i'm come suyen and andrew so keen on a tree..i keep quiet la..den they somehow noticed i was keeping quiet and i'm like...saw wat tree???? and they were blur can u be..the movie..SAW TREE.. i'm like...harr??? then suyen or was it trishil said.. u noe the movie?? saw 1, saw 2 and saw 3?!! den andrew was like...saw!! and he started sawing my hand.. and finally, i'm like..OHHHHHHHHHH!! SAW 3..
and guessed what she said in class??
Tuesday, 27th of February 2007
she was like..presentation ar... nxt week tuesday lah..I WAS LIKE..DAMN YOU!!! I STAYED UP LATE FOR IT..I EVEN HAD EXAM LATER AND YOU.......!! ARGH!!!!!!!!! zha dou!! nothing much happened today lah....just that confirm SPM results is not coming out 2mrw since they're nothing on the papers today..
oh well, so much for the excitement for me...hahhahaha..kesian..
interesting dai with great fun and jokes and stuff..
but i'm not free... noticed it's almost 2am and i'm still up?
miss andrew...sigh...
will blog 2mrw..after 2mrw I'M FREE..
we wanted to go visit my 2nd uncle..mateyo...2nd GRANDuncle...and my mom's car was the one dad's one was inside today..and i was the driver..and i've never driven her Altis before..i'm so used to my dad's Matrix.. and so, my dad was liek..take out the P sticker from my car and stick into ur mom's car..
so my dad n sister did it because i was looking for the car keys.. hahaha..
and IT WAS SO FREAKING WEIRD..different car memang pun different feeling and all..
and i reversed outta the house and den.. i was like..can go ar? looks like i'm gonna bang the gate and my mom and dad were like..just go.. den *short screech* i scratch/bang the gate....
and my mom was laughing *swt*
i don't know why they were all dad went out to check the car and he was like..
alarr..nvm..that part edi scratched a bit..u just added a few more to the collection only..i'm like.. oooooookay.... after awhile, i kinda got used to the car edi.. and seriously, my mom's car really more power than my dad's car.. Altis 1.8 and Matrix 1.6 . HUGE DIFFERENCE WEH..
and my dad's style of driving when teaching me is, SLOWLY..
my mom's style is.. TEKAN MINYAK LAH..SO SLOW FOR WHAT?!!
ahhahaha..funny but SYOK's car more power le... nice to drive BUT i'm still more used to my dad's car.. ahhaha..was supposed to get his car and he buy CRV... but guess what, they changed their minds... sigh.. the stupid CRV fellow la... cause me to lose A NICE CAR.. mengada..
something DID happen today..but i'm sleepy tired and energyless..i'll blog about it 2mrw..
i forgot to blog this out...
so we went back to perak and my uncle said this to us..we laughed till cannot breath..:
yesterday, it was raining heavily over here.. so ur grandma scared the rain and the lightning or watever will hit some wire and cut off the electric she went in the kitchen, grab some rice/grain and she went out and sprinkle rice into the rain.. [ we were all like...sprinkle rice?!!! for wat ] and at that moment, the rain got heavier [ ahahahhahaha ] so ur grandma got scared and she quickly ran into the kitchen, grab a butcher knife and a normal knife and she ran out again, CHUCK the knives out into the rain..she didn't throw them, she CHUCK them...
and at that moment, lightning struck the coconut tree where the knives landed and the whole tree tumbang into the neighbour's house.. she quickly grab the knives and cabut.
seriously, the knives part was funny edi..we were laughing edi, when the coconut tree part came out, we were laughing till our stomach hurt... why throw knives??? my mom said dunno..den i ask why throw rice? den my mom said, grandma used to do that..den my grandma said.. ya ya !!!
*scratch that* typed that out for fun..
so we waited at a park they called... yum yum park.... *blinks* i dunno why they call it that and it sounds damn freaking stupid to me but.. oh well..not my college and when suyen finished class, she asked where were we and i'm like..we're...we're at some park..and she's like..which park? and all andrew said was, yum yum park and she's like.. i'll be right there.. i'm tak tahan..damn stupid name..
after that, she and amily came down, she was in the class SUPER near us.. hahaha..and trishil went home early due to unforseen circumstances..ahhahah..which i won't like to enclose..
so it was only amily and suyen and suyen didn't wanna call adrian over to let me see him and richard overslept this morning and forgot to come to college.. *swt* so i couldn't tease suyen much...dengz...
we sat there till about 2.15pm den they haven't eaten so we went to their canteen2..canteen1 was closed..i have to admit..TARC is HUGE..eventho it seriously looks like a freaking secondary school.. IT'S suyen had to go but i made her wait till drew finished eating then we left together but at that moment it started to rain *swt*
mengada rite?? damn we walked to the other end and they decided to take the bus to wangsa maju..den i was like..YOU DO REALIZE UR COLLEGE IS HUGE..and they kinda ignored me eventho suyen was kinda complaining about the distance but it was her college after we went to the main entrance and wait for bus...den we had to wait for suyen to get a bus ticket..andrew had tonnes of 'em in his wallet so we didn't need to get one..
so we went on the bus which i have to admit again, it's nice it's new it's cold.. all UCSI has are shuttle vans..ahahhaa..and the bus is only 60sen..our shuttle is RM1.. we went back le..and we left at Masjid Jamek because i still had to go college..had Aural Foundation II exam today..the second half..the exam is 10mins we were late..i tot i was early but when i reached Bandar Tasik Selatan, it was 3.50pm...i'm like shit edi..
we took a cab and it was raining madly i called Miss Pearly [ my lecturer ] and she laughed at me..we went into the college and we ran into my block, and we were drenched..and i looked for Pearly and she was drenched too..i'm like.. * knock knock * and she was like..come in [ we're not allowed to enter the office without permission ] and i'm like..teacher i'm drenched and cold..and she was am i ..i went out to get a Secret Recipe thingie.. i'm like.. we had the exam while andrew sat outside and waited for was just a 10 minute thing okay..and my frens were probably wondering who is dis guy i'm following around or watever...
i made no explanation to wat so ever..i'm not letting them know he's not from UCSI..they'd freak out..i guess..even Ms Pearly didn't say anything so why should they.. so i finished and i'm like..go home!! his mom wanted him to fly to MV..wouldn't let him go home..he was so tired and all..kesian him... when we left i showed him around.. haha..walk one round..den showed him our practise rooms which were practically empty today [ ms pearly said today seems dead, even lecturers are absent.. same in TARC... why ar? ]
and so..UCSI is totally different from Tarc.. AHAHHA.. we went to main block..waited for shuttle and i didn't see any van coming..i was thinking..sei lorr..he's not absent also rite? and he wasn't absent..he came in a Proton Wira.. i was like... * shocked * so was andrew, since he sees me boarding the stupid shuttle van so many times..and so we went back station..and he went to MV i went home loh.. tiring day actually..i almost fell asleep on the train...reached home to find aunty ah mui and his husband over and i had to sit awhile and layan them..
den i started watching Death's getting more exciting..catching my attention more and more.. i think it's ranking is higher waiting for next episode...either i download it later..or i sync from tan.. can't wait for Ouran High School nxt ep either..stupid com sync ep 5 before ep 4..mengada!!!
i shall put my 'ego' down and say this, : : :
something different from Bleach..hahaha... rarely will an anime catch my far only a few who made it and they are :
Bleach!! [ top ranking ] hahahha..
Ayashi No Ceres
Ouran High School
Samurai X
Dragonball Z
Death Note
[ according to ranking from my MOST favourite to..ok-ok ]
The FEW anime that caught my attention for AWHILE were :
Jigoku Shoujo
Ranma 1/2
Full Metal Alchemist
Detective Conan
Gundam W
[ can't remember edi ]
Was a lil hesitant to watch Ouran High School BECAUSE aw said got yaoi element in it but tan convinced me it doesn't.. so i'm like..give it to me!! and yes there's a teensy weensy bit of yaoi that i'm sure is purposely put on to attract girls by the two kawaii twins..hahahha... they call it 'brotherly love' oh well..summarize everything, Ouran High School is good... but Bleach still excites me the MOST..ahahah..but Ouran did well.. hahahha..
so i went back to Sungai Siput in Perak as usual for EVERY Chinese New Year..
reached there...1st day of CNY, follow cousin go out again, meet the same people again and laughed our way to each others house till midnight..den continue party again in uncle's house till 3-4am since he had friends over..i KINDA studied la..a lil here a lil there..practised piano and flute also..
i went back and my grandma was like..YVONNE YOU FAT EDI!! and all my uncles and aunties, about 6 of them all at once..SHE THIN EDI LA!! YOU COCK EYE AR? and my grandma was like.. ya merr?? hahahaha...damn funny..
den wat else arr...?? we went visiting lah..and .. let's just say every night and day was party and gamble till 3am..except that on the 2nd day of CNY, i stayed home and study.. hahahha..serious..
den 3rd day i loosen up abit and game in gamble..ahahhaha...anyway, i miss my lil cousin so much... he's just soooooo adorable.. too adorable.. steve and me..but we call him xuan xuan
he's not looking at the camera here..swt me and xuan xuan..AGAIN
this pic pulak blur sikit..maaflah..adik aku yang ambil..
nothing much lah, just had loads of fun actually..we had steamboat last night... hehehe..
me, peiyee and baya were the last to leave the table..all our uncles and aunties said we're mad and crazy..we sat there, eventho tooooooo full edi..we drank soup..and i'm like... sek choi [ eat vege ] and repeated it like 50 times and my aunty also terikut me.. hahah..den i'm like.. yum tong [ drink soup ] den the 2 of them terikut me also.. hahaha..we damn sot lah..anyway, the steamboat was delicious..hahha...seperated into 2 tables..too many ppl dad's the one in the funny green
grandma sitting down in red..hahaha...two tables..
didn't have enough space to take the pic properly.
my bad.. and the girl in the checks red and white thing.. is my cousin peiyee [penny] hahaha...
this pic i lagi had no place to take..was almost falling
the table.. hahahah..there's my aunty in the brown baby T..she said 'sek choi' with me!! she sot with me de!!
left Sg. Siput at 12.01am.. hahha..reached home about 3am to avoid the jam..and i woke up this morning for class.IMAGINE THAT..I'M SO RAJINTED..hahhahahahaa...anyway, came back..made breakfast [ lin gou ] and by the time my mom and i were done, it was lunch time [swt] i'm telling you, I CAN'T COOK... well, i'm tired and i need to sleep and ganti hutang tidur.. later gonna visit 'yi gung' 2nd grand uncle.. *yawnz* tired...
once again people, :
i going back to Perak for about 3 days?
coming back on tuesday night so, can't blog ..can't force me..
got laptop no streamyx..dengz..
so i can't blog..
so i left at 12pm today which usually on fridays, i leave at 3.30pm but today got replacement class so started at 3pm..supposedly..
so i left at 12pm..and today according to suyen, the train moved i reached in half an hour only, u noe?! reached taman melati lah..
so anyway, met up with andrew there and met up with 2 more of his frens at wangsa maju, one chris and the other i terlupa..lolx
so anyway, den we went to MV eventho i know i got class at 3pm.. and the guy i forgot the name, he wanted to get a late valentine's gift for his gf so they were hunting for it..den we went to makan.. i didn't eat lah b'coz i ate at home edi den guess what...hahaa...we walked pass the ' i love house ' shop and andrew was,eh..go in go in..and i'm like..yeah, got really nice necklaces and stuff inside, i've been in there.. and they were like..masuk..
so we entered and hunt and they were kinda jakun k..tak pernah masuk.. swt.. seriously..den chris was like.. I CAN'T CONCENTRATE ON THE NECKLACES [ the condoms were below the necklaces ] i can't control MY EYES!! i was like..laughing my ass we went out and i had to leave lah.. my class was at 3pm and it was 2.55pm like that..and we were descending the escalator andrew said : that looks like aw.. and i'm like..IT IS AW!! i tried to rush down but andrew was like..don't la or something like that.. and anyway, met up with them and aw tried to papparazi us but FAILED.. proves that u're a lousy photographer, aw!!
den i was at the KTM train waiting loh...MANY PEOPLE K..DAMN A LOT..squeezed into the train and when i reached BTS station it was 3.30pm and i was like shit..i'm half an hour late..
say train broke down lah..and serious, the train to rawang broke down..just that i'm taking the train to i was at the station and there wasn't any taxi!! and i called michelle and she said, teacher's not here yet, don't rush den she said, we're leaving.. don't bother coming lah... den i called andrew and he said, come back here i went to KTM and wait lah, GOT SO MANY BLOODY PPL..and after abt 5-7mins, michelle called and said, she's here..class is back i said.. taxi no so she said, just come back before 4.30pm for the exam..
so i grabbed a taxi [ lucky me ] and i saw the shuttle ...JUST mann but nvm..i i rushed there and the stupid taxi mann doesn't know how to go to UCSI come?!! i reached and when i opened the door, lecturer said, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! took taxi ar? i'm like thinking in my head, [ damn, that's my line..coz i've been wishing everyone i meet including lecturers happy valentine's day on 14th and the following days i've been wishing happy cny ] and so i replied her, : yeah, i took taxi and the stupid driver doesn't know the existence of this school.. she laughed.. so i had my Aural Foundation II exam and i scored 43/50. dunno lah...nxt 50 points is next friday..
'twas and eventful day since we met up [ we as in andrew n me ] before the CNY holidays coz it's gonna be about a week till we get to meet up again and... IT'S KINDA HARD.. ahhaha...for both of us to be nice lil kids and wait while missing each other.. hahhahahhaa..serious..
but i'm sure i'll survive..duhh..knowing i have to practise piano and flute and study like a mad kow during CNY for the coming exams coz they're totally...MUST STUDY subjects not like Aural Foundation and Theory Foundation.. oh well..wat do you know.. i miss him already ...
hahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhaha!! still hyper..
p/s : 3rd uncle is back..and my lil cousins are just so cute and adorable and carryable.. hahaha..
woot..i got my retainers and guess what?? it's not what i thought it would be at all..
she put permanent retainers for my bottom teeth, on the inside..
then on top is my retainers, i asked for themetal one and guess's so mafan..
she said, u're gonna have a lil difficulty speaking for a few days till u get used to it..
i'm like..DANG..
so bla bla bla so on..i came home after piano, having my teacher laughing at my speech problems..
den i scooped a cup of ice cream only to realize...I CAN'T TASTE MY ICE CREAM PROPERLY coz the retainers got this transparent plate covering the ceiling of ur mouth..and i was like..NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. how am i gonna eat sweet?!!!
and taking out my braces was suppose to be a relief but hahha...but retainers does look better than'll bear with it lah..hahaha..all my mom's fault..mengada..
either i've gone crazy or i'm being stupid but this is the 2007 me.. difference right? i cut my hair edi but still like no difference and i took off my braces =)
please, i'm not photogenic like judith nor pretty like judith, comments should be make about this..
i'm feeling stupid today so i did this..
since it's valentine's day, i'll pay a tribute to it and blog in pink and purple..
i FOUND MY was at the bottom of the bottom of the bottomest part of my laptop bag..
hahahha..thank God and hallelujah!!
anyway, we had World Music Listening exam today and it was..OKAYLAH..hopefully i don't fail..
den after that i went to take off my braces loh...i thought i wouldn't hurt wan leh..BUT IT DID..
and i bled!! and guess what, IT IS DAMN WEIRD to have no more bling bling on my teeth..
hahahha..seriously..coz she polish my teeth hurts as gums still hurt now..when i brush teeth, it bleeds.. anyway, it feels like i've got no teeth and when i run my tongue over my teeth, it's too straight and smooth.. feels so fake!! but karen they all were like..OMG much prettier..i'm like SWT!!
this morning, we were all late.. suyen me andrew richard..all late..suyen n i waited at Taman Jaya station ma..den andrew stubborn as always came at Taman Jaya to we went aboard the train and den richard said he on the we got off at University to wait for his arrival..
it's valentine's mann and i wanna let them meet then when he came..we WANTED to go on the train but guess what?? FULL!! lolx..den he said ok..he wait at Abdullah Hukum...hahha..WE WERE RUNNING HALF AN HOUR LATE D..about half an hour lah..den we FINALLY got together and it was awkward!! suyen and richard weren't talking much or rather, richard barely spoke when the 3 of us were talking..
so when we reached KLCC, MUCH LESS ppl d andrew n i go cari tempat duduk and left suyen n richard standing, THEN THEY STARTED TALKING..mengada betul but..haha..
maybe both of them shy le?? =P i sat back to college..had my exam, did my braces and flew back to show my teeth to them n stuff..den apparently, so many of them were skipping Choir Foundation to go dating and seriously, the choir not as nice as usual coz so many missing, and instructor was like.. nxt year valentine's day, remind me to tell them...14th of February absence is counted as 3 absent lessons..we were like..woahh..den he said and this is done outta JEALOUSY!! we were like..AWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH..and he said, HOW CAN THEY DUMP US HERE DATELESS LIKE THIS.. we were all laughing our ass off.. hahaha..
he let us of early due to Valentine's Day but the Chamber Choir gotta stay back lah..
drove home....den i went to pasar malam to get nail polish remover and oi, the nail polish remover got nice fragrance de..nice..berries or fruitish smell..den had my dinner and mom was like..YVONNE..I NEED TO GET SOME STUFF...DRIVE.. so now i really feel like i driver..
drove her to SS14 punyer jaya supermarket..den i waited in the car..den the shop don't have wat she wanted and she was like..GO AMCORP!! drove her there n waited in the car again..den reached home and she was like..not bad, improved..i'm like..duhh..
nothing much happened today lah..i don't really care about Valentine's Day.. i'm SUPER hyper today tho..hahaha..frens finally knew the full power of my hyperness..HAHAHAHA..
still.. it's 12.03am..means..VALENTINE'S DAY IS OFFICIALLY OVER FOR 3 MINUTES..
i lost my ID card and my thumb drive is attached to it.. swt
thank God today i TERleft my touch and go card in the car or i'd be crying my hair off d..
anyway, i WAS upset about this incident till i found out that....
EDMUND IS STILL CHEATING ON KIMMIE.. after one year of giving her heart aches during our SPM year, he's still going on.. kimmie another stupid kow, DUMP HIM LAH..forget abt the love u had for him.. really takda mood..don't feel like blogging much..
tomorrow taking out braces..damn tired now..exam tomorrow if today punyer examS tak cukup..adter CNY got sumore..ARGHHH..
we went mv today..we reached the KTM stop at MV and we were on the escalator and there were this two guys holding hands and walking..i started giggling and u noe, kinda like salute them for their courage BUT andrew was making weird noises like..ewwwwww...yeeeeee...blekk..yuck... so on.. so i'm like..SHHH!! wat's wrong with you le? and he was like.. they're disgracing my gender..
i started laughing my arse off...anyway, we went to eat lunch at the Food Court.. saw shelly n her guy there..den we walk sumore and met andrew's junior..den we walk sumore and.....??? this girl came up to me and spoke softly..
i was like..harr? she spoke so softly..i couldn't catch her and she repeated second time i'm like.. :
we're looking for.. * blank blank couldn't hear * u just gotta leave your name and phone number and we'll call you..
i was like..i'm sorry???
we're advertising for * blank blank couldn't hear * and if you could just gimme your name and contact number, we'll call you up, You don't have to do anything...we'll just call you..
i was like shaking andrew's hand madly coz i didn't know how to react and i really didn't wanna go do that and andrew just grabbed me by the waist, shook his head at her and ciao.. i was like.. pheww.. i thought i TERrompak her dompet kerr...or she was from my college and i did something wrong..takutkan i.. and guess wat andrew said, : what did she say? i couldn't hear a thing.. i was i told him and he was like...expected la from you..
i'm like... =.=" then we walk sumore, met more of his juniors and i met sammy..scare me k!! jalan half way someone called, yvonne! i was like..SAMMY!! hahahha..she working for Dior..wanna campak the perfume tester thing at me i'm like..ALLERGIC!! don't!! she takut edi.. we left la..we were we waited at the BTS station..for about 20 mins.. den shuttle came and i left loh.. hahaha...
die die die.. tomorrow got Malaysian Studies exam and Malaysian Music quiz..
mati kong kiaw..must go study now..dengzzz
p/s : braces removal brought forward a day, wednesday it'll be gone..wednesday morning.. hahha..
let's we went to Ipoh Chicken Rice shop thingie to eat...near CHS that wan..
so we ate lah..den after that, mom said i wanna buy the pork thing [ zhu yuk si ] hahaha...
so i drove round and round around Section 14 hunting for a shop that sells it...but talak buka le..
den my dad was like..go i drove there and finally, dapat bought lah..
den mom was like..go Old Town..get the biscuits from fran's classmate.. because fran's classmate [ btw, fran is my sis, Francine ] as i was saying, her classmate's dad got cancer..selling biscuits which is damn nice to eat to get money..and it's cheap also.. mom donated money to them also le..
so we went to Old Town loh...lepas tu, i was like..GO HOME!! then was on the way home and dad was like.. so nice to have a driver horr? i was like... swt.... den i said..yeah..the driver dunno the
way around de..always go wrong road and they didn't say anything but laugh..swt... at least this time,
after the driving scene, my sister didn't climb down the car and kiss the ground saying, " LAND!! "
and neither did she say, " I'M GONNA PUKE BLOOD " does it mean i improved? hahahah..
dad said, it's time to learn to drive ur mom's car and get used to it.. i'm like..NOoOoOoOo!!!
suprisingly mom was like, yeah..u should..learn to get used to different cars..don't just stick to the same car and she told me d..her car way different from dad's car..more powerful..she takut i tekan
and fly..HAHAHAHAHA!!! been trying to study but can't..somehow...well..i'll try again tonight..ahaha...something is wrong with my leg..well, not my right's always hurting but my
left foot...jalan sikit sakit edi..something is wrong with it but somehow, the moment i enter the basketball court, the pain is all forgotten..weird huh??? it's kinda bad but..siapa peduli?? not i
worry back ache...or shoulder ache..sleep at wrong position just now..hahaha..
been tired these few days..stupid college..dengz...but hey, i'm taking off my braces on thursday..
i'm actually looking forward to get 'em off...back to normal like last time..hopefully, i can adapt..
no more 'bling bling' on my teeth jorr.. hahaha...
this morning i had class at that Tango movie..
it was sure boring... lolx.. i'm serious..after half an hour..karen and jenny couldn't tahan edi..
went back hostel and sleep..
so we watch finish the movie..damn was in spanish with english subtitle lah..
then at some point, a kissing scene was involved.. something i never revealed to anyone but..
i can't stand kissing scenes or bed scenes..watever..I NOE I'M CORRUPTED but i just can't stand..
it's disgusting AND after my "experience", it's even more hard to watch them at it..
so jason was happily laughing at me covering my eyes..and he's like.. i'll let u noe when they're done kissing.. so i was like..thank you!! then there came this part where the pro female dancer danced with the new female was just before their performance so i guess they were was Tango mann, and like all's the seductive at some point, the pro dancer started kissing the other female dancer..EVERYONE was like..EWWWWWWWW..
i was the only one without reaction and watching like nothing happened..hahah...jason was like..
den another kissing scene came...den jason was like..i'll tell u when it's over...i'm like..thank God for him..den there was this scene where they were in the bed..i'm like..EEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW...den Jason was ur boyfriend kiss you worr?
i'm like.. nobody said i could..after 3 seconds or so..i push him away..i tak tahan and jason was like..kesian..pity ur boyfriend..i was like..too bad..hahahaha..
den after that...jenny was like..come, let's go bball.. so i'm like..YES!! LET'S GO!!
so we played bball till 1.45pm...den jenny wanted to go mandi waited for her in karen's room..2.30pm we left and her bf [ nicholas ] dropped me off at BTS[bandar tasik selatan] station..den i went back loh..reach tmn aya station at 3.20pm like was still in SS2 cannot pick me up yet so i walked over to Amcorp Mall..bought white nail polish..
bumped into John.. den dad was like..come down..i'm i went home loh..
now i've one left hand painted with black nails and one right hand with white nails..syok!!!! haha
..piano teacher [ trixie ] told me to paint like that..chun teacher.. hahaha..
anyway, the weather is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hot le...sweating like mad..
came home about 4 something... i took a two hour nap...woke up sweaty and all..
that's how hot it is..malaysia malaysia..negara yang panas dan mempunyai hutan hujan khatulistiwa...lolx..i dunno why i said that... hahahahhaa..
and funny thing... i gotta say this... i feel very lucky..hahaha..why?? hmm..because lucky to have him's's very different le..this relationship, i meant..
it's not.....burdening at all? " burdening" right word arr? yes, burdening, past think back was burdening just that i was too naive, blind and stupid to realize it..hahhaha...
feeling very free and at ease and la la la la~
taing out braces next week thursday!!! =)
Your Blogging Type is Entertaining and Happy |
![]() You are a fun, giving blogger who makes others feel good. You often post things that make your friends smile. At the same time, you expect the same blogging spirit from others. And when it's not returned, you tend to feel a bit hurt. |
Your Love Number is 9 |
![]() You are a peaceful person, and you tend to have calm, stable relationships. Connecting deeply is another skill of yours, and you tend to know lovers well. Trusting and laid back, you are an easy person to love. Love can be a little blinding for you, so open your eyes a little more! |
You're Totally Sarcastic |
![]() You sarcastic? Never! You're as sweet as a baby bunny. Seriously, though, you have a sharp tongue - and you aren't afraid to use it. And if people are too wimpy to deal with your attitutde, then too bad. So sad. |
You Communicate With Your Ears |
![]() You love conversations, both as a listener and a talker. What people say is important to you, and you're often most affected by words, not actions. You love to hear complements from others. And when you're upset, you often talk to yourself. Music is very important to you. It's difficult to find you without your iPod. |
You Are Apple Red |
![]() You're never one to take life too seriously, and because of it, you're a ton of fun. And although you have a great sense of humor, you are never superficial. Deep and caring, you do like to get to the core of people - to understand them well. However, any probing you do is light hearted and fun, sometimes causing people to misjudge you. |
You Date Like a Woman |
![]() According to studies on dating, you date like a woman. You tend to take romance seriously, and you're not really out for a fling. A mental and emotional connection always comes first for you. And rushing the physical stuff is likely to turn you off. You're highly selective when it comes to dating, and some may say you're too picky. You know what you want, and when you find it, you're ready to commit. |
Your Love Style is Storge |
![]() For you, love and friendship are almost the same thing And your love tends to be the enduring, long lasting kind (You've been known to still have connections with exes) But sometimes your love is not the most passionate Leap before you look, and you'll find that fire you crave |
today i told my mom... : i got assignment to do..gotta go earlier, i'll take train.
actually, i go college early..go there and stone de.. hahahha..coz to sit train to college means i gott ago earlier so that my grandpa won't fetch me there... why i did that???
=P andrew say go back with gotta sit train loh.. hahaha.. stupid or wat?? take a one hour ride...ahahha...
so i reached college..then join karen and shin hong in practise room..karen blowing trumpet..shin hong played violin..den he went for piano..he kept playing faster and faster so i had to be the metronum so that he can stay on the same tempo..if not karen can't play properly as well..haha..
in the practise room, coz we were in the room with the aircond main switch..the air inside..WHOOOSHHHH..blowing at 110 km/hour...DAMN SYOK WEH..damn cold flying all over..den there was this big lobang on top that vaccuums air..we gatal tangan..threw in mentos wrappers and let it suck into the...thing..damn syok..
so anyway, went into class and today we had trial exam...hahaha..damn funny...i'm always the first to be called...ahah..coz i sit right infront..hahahha...
so after class, met up with andrew at station..his sling bag..the strap something happened..hahah...i'm mean =P
the train was DAMN PACKED MANN..again..we were only an inch away and the poor old ppl on the's so packed that even if someone offers them's hard to move...
we reached taman jaya at....6.15...6.20pm like that..waited for grandpa to pick me up loh... hahha....den after awhile..i was like..okay..times up..go down..
so...we were walking down the steps and again..he stopped suddenly and one's around..
swt.... i'm like..what u wanna do then??? * commotion happened * and he said..that! i went home...worrying how he was gonna go home with the major jam on the road and the major jam on the train BUT he's home, safe and sound.. =)
dunno why so hyper...hahaha..sot d..hahahah..i'm crazy... dengz...tomorrow got the replacement for that Tango's a saturday and i gotta go back college ...luckily it's at 10am..
hahahaha..thank God...ahahha..
i guess that's about it for today...all i can say is............... happy day everyone!!!
the story continues from the previous blog as i said yday..i SUPPOSEDLY had extra lessons to watch a movie called Tango that will help us in midterm to get to noe more abt tango or milonga..
so anyway, i left my laptop at karen's place...lighten my burden and eased her boredom..hahaha..
then i flew home lah..a.s.a.p...reached home abt 2.40pm...ate lunch..did some theory and dozed of at 3.05..overslept..hahaha..grandpa was like..yvonne?? i was like..OH SHIT..3.20pm edi.. piano at 3.30pm..
so my racing driver grandpa zoomed to piano in 10 mins..which usually is 15mins..hahah..
4.30pm....grandpa flew me to taman jaya LRT station so that i can make it in time for shuttle..
so i ran with HEELS!! so i reached Bandar Tasik Selatan at 5.25pm thinking..okaylah..can make it in time for 5.30 shuttle...waited...waited..waited..sei loh...5.40pm..karen called and ask..WHERE ARE YOU? CLASS CANCELLED LEH...
i was like...WHAT THE FRAK!!! seriously was damn frakking pissed... i rushed like a mad kow..flying from train to train ALONE..just to get to college..btw, on the way i saw's a small world..
i was heading for the taxi was almost 6pm..den suddenly the shuttle van came..
ALL HAIL!! so i went and karen waited for me at entrance and gave me my laptop and i sat back to station again... MENGADA RITE?! even the uncle [ driver ] said stupid college..wasting my left foot was hurting like mad..i think old injury gua and because i was in heels...and it was like peak hour..ppl coming back from work..BANYAK ORANG LIKE HELL anyway..after all the dilly dallying...i reached at 7.20pm like was there d..waiting for me.. so i drove home and with that pissed off mood...
it's not a good thing for me to be in a bad mood and having to drive..why???
because all i did was TEKAN roundabout i guess i had fire blocking my vision..the car was on my lane and i saw it one the other lane..i TEKAN MINYAK and my dad was like.wooooooooooops..and that car was like..HOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN..
seriously, but anyway, i drove home safely....wat a day..came back..i had to let go of the stupid i went to the piano and..TA-DAH..was like magic [ as usual ] i was back to normal..rather..i was hyper..HAHAHAH...
yes..u read the title..i skipped Music Theory Foundation II today...
why?? well coz after World Music, karen and jenny wanted to go Leisure Mall..
Jason got class at fine..i got class at 1pm..i was like..great..stoning time again...
den jenny was like..come..u teman i asked them... wat time is ur nxt class?
three o'clock..i'm like..mine at 1pm wo...den karen was like..theory ar? u finish the syllables of this semester on monday d rite? i'm like..yeah.. she's like..THEN SKIP LAH!!! teman i was like..
HARR?!! so after class we walk to hostel since everyone was heading that way for breakfast..
so i went den jenny n karen walkin up back to room after taking the laundry and they were like..
think properly!! when we come back down, we want an answer..lolx..i'm like kk kk..den i ask jason loh... he's like..aiyahh..go lah..say u sick or cirit birit..shit for an hour..i'm like..fine..i they came down and i'm like...i teman u all lah..den karen was like....YAY!!! * jump jump skip skip * jenny and i were like...... ok..i dunno you... hahahhahahaha... so we went to Leisure Mall..
suprisingly, it's quite up to class leh..not like the Selayang Mall i tot it would look like..
i looking down to we were shop shop walk walk walk laugh laugh laugh..ohyah..we ate sushi king..hehehe..bill came up to abt rm66? service charge itself is 6 bucks..but it was NICEEEEEEEEEEE...we all ate the unagi with rice..and some side dishes..
came back about 2.30..den they went for class while i stayed in karen's room with her room mate..suvenn i think..i open my World Music text 2 pages and fell asleep..
i tell u..coz during world music class abt 10am..andrew msg me..gave me a shock..coz he slept at almost 4am last night..he sms me..damn tired..head ache lah..eyelids drooping lah..wish i was there lah..damn sleepy lah.. i'm like...OMGoshness..poor thing..
so i set alarm at 3.40pm to wake up knowing i would fall asleep reading the stupid text book..and he finishes at 3.30 on when i suddenly woke up..3.45PM LEHH..i'm like..shyt..class is at 4pm..woke up kaki kejang..lolx..called him only to hear this energetic voice saying.. i'm ok!! =) i'm like.kk..put down phone n ran down to class without worries abt him..
seriously, why was i even worried???? so den after class..we went for Choir Foundation..
today did sectionals coz got calls back for Chamber was so boring in sectionals mann!!
jenny was making dumb noises while we're were singing Cum Sanctu Spiritu...she was so bored of it..den we sang Gloria! and den we went to Et In Tera Pax Hominibus.. den the alto's came and join us and we sang Cum Sanctu Spiritu AGAIN!! goodness..
i'm doomed 2mrw.. class finish at 1pm..rush home for piano at Trixie's at 3.30..finish at 4.30 and guess what? Because we gotta watch this movie called Tango [ in World Music, we're on Latin American Music and currently working on Tango and Milonga ] and he doesn't wanna use our timetable's schedule..EXTRA CLASS 2MRW AT after piano at 4.30 i gotta FLY BACK at top speed back to college and that stupid class finishes at?? 8pm!! FRAKKING 8PM..
then dad will come pick me up..i think i'll be driving home..i THINK.. shuttle service ends at 7pm ma..and i dun think mom will like the idea of my taking train back at night..
sigh..tomorrow i'm gonna die..
now resume doing theory...SIGH....
today class ends at 1pm..after flute ma.. so made arrangement with ah wai and see pei..
we went and do assignment and bincang and stuff ma...
we ended at 2pm...andrew finishes class at 4pm on tuesdays...
so knowing me...dengz...hahahhaa...
so we arrange the time he reach it'll be 5pm ma.
so at 2pm i went to karen's room..i promised her i'll let her hog my laptop..
so her room mate was in..and we were talking and laughing la..while she chatting here n there..
about 3.30pm like that..i layed down on her bed..and guess what?? i fell asleep..
when i woke up all of a was 4.30pm!!!! I WAS LIKE..OMGOSH KAREN U DIDN'T WAKE ME UP!!! and she was i know you!!! den kaki kejang like shit..both coz i was sitting on the floor ma..den i quickly grabbed my fon..without looking at it..i called andrew lah..
damn bising when he picked up..i'm like..WHERE R U?!! he's like..baru naik train...den i chill..
den i put down fon and i realized..few minutes b4 i woke up he sms me... swt...he said i just got on the train..SERIOUSLY..i'm so blur k..took me awhile to get rid of the kejangness...karen was like laughing like shit...after that she was like..let's go..coz she had trumpet minor..den i walk down the damned hill...and THE SHUTTLE WAS THERE...lucky i hopped in...den i reach station about....4.55pm..
lepas tu..waited till 5.05 like that..he arrived and we ciao lah..when we reached Masjid Jamek..
it was packed like shit..we only took the 3rd train that came..and it was LIKE SARDINE PACKED...he n i were like an inch away from each other..that's how packed it was..pack all the way to Taman was about......6pm?? den called my grandpa to come fetch me lah...but guess what..someone was hogging the house phone line!! i'm 101% sure it's my sister..
so i called his handphone we waited talk and stuff..den he was like..yay i looked around..haha memang nobody..but opposite punya side was full..i stared at him with the look that says " what are those den? ghosts? " after awhile..about 6.10/6.15pm like that i'm like..okay lah..go down and wait halfway walking down the stairs he suddenly stopped..i'm like..huhhh?? and he was nobody.. swt.. =.="
hahaha...after the small commotion on the stairs which i would not like to disclose/enclose..hahah...went back loh..damn tired k..
reached home..tidurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....but couldn't fall asleep..i wonder i cocok laptop online lah...hhahahaha...
frankly speaking, i dunno why i blogged this out...hahaha... wu liao..
went over to his house again and his sister was there again and again i damn blur and waved HI..
and she look at me like.."goodness so blur" and said HI..
SERIOUSLY, any idiot would notice something fishy going on if some guy brought the same girl home...i'm SO SURE she knows BUT all he said was..lantaklah..
so anyway, i stole his Death Note..hahahah!! i'm mean..but i stole all of it..
wanted to steal Bleach also but somehow, it was forgotten..
the night b4 i was talking on the fon with qui zheng till 3am i was damn sleepy as usual..
usually monday i also like one pile of shit de..very tired..
so i started falling asleep as i was sitting on his bed since there's no other chair there but the com chair..den i REALLY started drooping off to dreamland..den talk talk talk..suddenly jatuh and lying on bed..tidur...hahahhaha....seriously, i was that tired..but i didn't FALL was an ALMOST asleep status..which kinda revived me for awhile..considered as rested lah..
the thing Is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo comfortable...
COMFORTABLE...hahaha..i sot edi..
we reached ikano and my mom was like..kk..go cut ur hair..i'm like..oh..okay..
den we went in and my mom was like..i think i cut also we sat opposite ..
den my mom yack with the lady and i'm like..kkk..u listen to wat she has to say and cut according to her wishes..
denthe lady cutting my mom's hair was like..yeah..teenagers very lazy cut hair..stubborn also..
and i was thinking..SHE LOOK LIKE SHE JUST PASS TEEN..probably 25..something like that lah.. she cut my hair..i watch her chop chop chop and...VOILA..i'm a good girl..
she cut edi really look better's nice.. hehehee
she cut according to my mom's idea since my mom also experienced in cutting my mom and the lady cutting my hair and the lady cutting her hair were discussing abt how to cut my hair..
i had no say BUT it was a good thing because it turned out so nice =)
This is Canon In D but this dude made some arrangements la..but it's still nice..
not bad..
no i'm not bloggin about 14th of February..which is apparently Valentine's Day...
i'm blogging about the 15th and 16th of February....the days AFTER valentine's day..
guess what..after so many change of appointments it's settled...
on these 2 days, i'm gonna take out my braces..15th take off braces, 16th get retainers..
i'm getting kinda excited!! after so long..can finally take it out...but it's gonna feel weird coz i'm so used to having braces..that's wat suyen says and i totally believe it..
hahaha..can't imagine wat they gonna say in college BUT i doubt they'll notice since the nxt day is a friday and i only appear for an hour in college on fridays...hahahhaa...unless i cari pasal go earlier
and bug karen...jenny sure go out paktor FEELS SO FAR AWAY NOW THAT I'M GETTING EXCITED ABOUT IT...argh!! it's getting so..annoying now..and as usual...
valentine's day is ignored but BRACES DAY!! lolx...sot edi...very sot d..
it's not safe..i wore skirt twice to college in 2 weeks...or 3...THAT'S BAD...AND MONDAY...
maybe wear again..i must be crazy..yes i am..confirmed..
i dunno why i wanna tell this out but seriously...i wanna tell u guys...go try it!! it's delicious..
i woke up feeling funny...having my period ma.. so i woke up kinda late actually..
last night slept at 2am...was reading Death Note Yaoi FanFic..not bad..
but the quality of Yaoi is going pass it's borders now..
never knew it grew so fast to the "Devour" stage... yes..i'm serious..
the usual normal rated yaoi fics..are mostly kissing, hugging and some oral wtv...
now...goodness...they're all Devour rated.. it's dick n dick...HAHAHAHAHA...
i'm serious..the guys who read this and know abt me doing that middle fingerXmiddle finger thing r gonna be so disgusted..
back to whr i was going to..i woke up thinking wat to eat..guess wat cuckoo thing came up..
so i went to the kitchen, open freezer..took chocolate ice-cream ...scoop until full full...
den i saw bananas on the table..i took one..slice it and campak in my cup....and i'm like...
something is i open the fridge and took the packet of corn flakes and campak..
i've everything i need...banana for pottasium and energy..cornflakes..God knows but it's healthy and choc ice-cream...brava!!
hahahaha...i'm's VERY GOOD..delicious..but i dunno if later i'll suffer the consequences or cream...later get period cramp...hahhahhaha...
den suyen will say VERY GOOD.. =P
oh yah..anyone wants yaoi fics?? ask from me!!
have been wondering.... :
why suddenly am i so into chinese songs?
are they getting nicer or my taste getting worse?
but have no fear....i still love my english songs..
but seriously...the chinese song melodies MAYBE ALL THE SAME but they're soothing to thy ears.. pleasant melody..
SO WAT IF ALL THE CHINESE SONGS ARE ALL CHORD 1625.. if u get wat i mean..
chord I, chord VI, chord II and chord V..
deng...this studying music thing is changing me to be a more musical person.HELP ME..
i dun wanna be like them!!!
Fen Kai Lu Xing - Rene Liu Ruo Ying
Wo xuan ze qu luo shan ji ni
Yi ge ren yao fei xiang ba li
Zun zhong ge zi de jue ding
Wei chi he ping de ai qing
Xiang ai shi yi zhong xi ti
Zai zi you he qin mi zhong you yi
Ni wen guo tai duo ci
Wo ai bu ai ni
Black, black heart
Send gei ni wo de xin
Ji hua shi fen kai luu xing a
Wei he xiang jie ju
Wo ming bai
Tang zai ni de huai li
Que bu yi ding zai ni xin li
Ba li xia le yi zheng tian yu
Wo bu xiang yao qu zheng ming
Ye bu zhi dao zen yang zheng ming
Xiang ai shi liang ren shi qing
Wo bu xi huan ni huai yi
Huai yi ai shi ke pa de wu qi
Mou sha le ai qing
Wo zai zhe li
Ben lai shi qing lang hao tian qi
Xiu xi yi xia bu xu yao na me de mi ji
Bu bi mei yi miao zhong dou nian zai yi qi
Ni wen wo ai bu ai ni zhe ge bu shi ge wen ti
Zao jiu shuo guo xu yao kong jian cai neng ji xu
Wo ye zhen de bu xi wang ni li qu
Wo men jiu shi shi kan ge zou ge de lu xu bie ku
Zhe ge zhi shi ge duan duan de bu jian bie gao de na me fu za
Ni bu shi yi zhi shuo yao qu ba li ma