i had my Grade 8 theory exam yesterday..it was at the..Stamford College next to PJ Hilton..
so exam was at 2pm-5pm..andrew had exam also and..kinda like the timing ngam ngam
when i finish my exam he'll reach taman jaya..which is within walking distance but..anyway,
we were planning on meeting after that..
so what happened was at 4pm++ it started raining..slightly..
but it got really really dark coz i dunno..i saw cars with their lights on..
and i was thinking shit..my car is like opposite 2 roads..and both roads are 2 lanes each..

so after that the rain kinda stopped awhile..and suddenly..A STORM CAME!!
MY GAWD...i was worried but..it didn't occur to me that....it would flood when i came outta the exam hall..the ground floor was flooded..and everyone was just waiting there..
luckily i was wearing a short jeans skirt..so this guy comes barefooted and trotted out like that..
i wanted to do that but..not my college ma..
so then the 2 pretty lady examiners came down and were like OMG!
then one of them were like..can take out shoe and walk arr?
being the kepo me..i was like..yeah..just now one guy went out like that..
so i walked barefooted out with the 2 pretty examiners.. xD
and the water was about..ankle deep only larr..for a short while..

so we reached the main entrance which wasn't flooded..and their car was just near there..and she asked me ' where's your car?' and i pointed far beyond...the opposite road.
why was she stoned after that? because from the point where we were standing un-flooded,
one more step forward = flood again..
and it flooded all the way to the road..the other road wasn't flooded..and it was still raining quite heavily..i had to go..so she said.. you..be careful k.. xD
so i walked out..in the flood..water running fairly quick..up to my ankle..as i stepped down to the road..the water reached my knee..and u can see all the cars stuck before the flooded area dare not to move..and i feel stupid as they were all watching me..
but i know i just showed them how deep the water is and it's a good move that u guys aren't moving..the water was knee deep all the way till i reached the next road..
i was still barefooted..and drenched in rain..and the next road wasn't flooded..the cars were moving..so they saw me paddle across in the rain and let me go..

honestly..it was crazy..but thank God i got to my car xD

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tomoko is having andrewithdrawal syndrome~
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