yah...i'm home from the excitement... pictures...lazy to blog..sumore 2mrw intro to music history and i realized i didn't take my notes back from the school locker~ /XD and before we went back only i told baby...i mean..andrew that i got history exam at 10am tomorrow... i'm so jahat..
so i went to school...to do improv recording with kevin, audrey and jia wen...and i was "warming up" or rather..practising coz i didn't prepare when jieying and secret pop up next to me with two balls~ yeap...two balls...one on my left and one on my right..they were pretty big balls i might say..one blue and one purple~ i dunno how they know or maybe they didn't..but i've always wanted to get one of those...
tadah~ they're hugable size...!!! i've decided to keep them in my room instead of in my car..... /XD
there's also a dog involved in the case~so cute.... /XD seongseong gave... i think..or the group of them..not sure.. /XD
close up picture~that's the card~ ahhhh!! the doggie so cute..!! * suyen if u're reading this..notice that the YVONNE written style is very similar to yours.. i tot u wrote it.. * LOL
andrew and i went to Italianese to have dinner...about 8pm? we ordered a starter and a meal... FULL LIKE SHIT...
looks like 8 pieces of shit with pink toppings... yeap....it does but MANN IT TASTES GOOD..stuffed mushrooms covered with pasta sauce..and the yellow gravy..should be cheese something..taste heavenly...
and we had..their lasagna.. which andrew calls it tomato vomit~ because so he says, you put all the ingredients in your mouth..chew and so forth..puke it back out..and voila...lasagna~the 2 fingers belong to andrew...he says he wants his fingers to be in the picture..and mind you... the dish is bigger than the picture shown...
anyway, we also watched G.I.JOE~ which was a pretty good movie...the destruction of the eiffel tower..however you spell it..is kinda awesome....okay..no spoilers...
oh yeah..our tickets... /XD andrew asked if i posted this in my blog..so i'm guessing.. yeah..so here it is dear~ i'm kinda..excited..rather..pretty excited... /XD well..i'm getting more and more excited...
anyway, 2mrw got intro to music history exam...MUST STUDY...!!...rather..start studying??
single handedly typed by
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