24th of December - Christmas Eve
went to drew's place after lunch..almost 4pm like that..left at 3.15pm..??Old Klang Road was jam somehow..jam halfway infront of Pearl Point at the traffic light..i looked right and i saw Jing in the car..so i called him..and i said..hey...look right..and he's like..what're you doing here...
so anyway, went to drew's place...wait for him to bath and get ready his hair and stuff..while i was reading Archie comic books which i suddenly influenced him into reading..we left about..5something..? and we went jalan-jalan.......he reserved a table for us at Ninja Jones..8pm.. I've never been there before..so anyway, i was hungry already..so we went to eat..Gelato!! which has suddenly become almost a must for us..everytime we go MidValley...then we just..jalan-jalan..till 8pm? well we both were looking for jeans...but couldn't find la..so we just went for dinner....honestly, the place is this..dark dimlit place...with...ninja waiters....
anyway...the food there..is not cheap!!!! don't wanna go there anymore...so what did we eat...?? hmm.....first we ordered cold ocha..
then i ordered this Salmon rice dunno what japanese word after that...then it was drew' s turn to order..he was like..i want this..suki yaki...(had no idea what it was) and he ordered shishamo (something he must have everytime in a japanese restaurant), tempura [prawn and vege] and california roll....
author's extra note: everytime we go Sushi Zanmai..it's the main dish, shishamo, california roll and this..butter mushroom dish.. so it's about the same lah....
anyway...the first dish that came was..........tempura? can't remember..and then suddenly all the dishes start flooding in and the table which was moderately big..was full..you know why? just my box of rice..(yes, my BOX) it was on top of this..porcelain thingie with candle inside...( like those essence they burn now..) and the box is the bamboo box lah..and then there's a small teapot at the side..and a small cute plate that held my spoon...the tray already big...then got the plate of tempura, shishamo and california roll.....guess what shock we had..when the waiter put this small portable stove on our table..we were like..ehh?? then this HUGE HUGE FLAT POT came with soup in it and then this HUGE HUGE HUGE glass bowl came with the food..and we were like...holy shit.. (we were quite full edi and we barely touched the rice+salmon yet)
this is how it looks like putting everything in the soup..which was sweet-ish..he was already thinking..crap...we gotta tapao this..i was like..we'll make it...guess what..?? IT WAS SO SO GOOD.. and we actually managed to finish everything.....
so anyway, after dinner which was at 9.30pm...?? we went to buy tie for my papa...because he has a black working shirt and no tie to match..so my sister sms me to get it...when i got the sms i thought..okay..daddy ask me to buy tie..so andrew teman me lorr..we went into Jusco...and the tie all...100 bucks 100 bucks..
i'm like...OMG la.. but the thing is..all the tie colours..all dull dull..OR...BRIGHT RED... so i said..i think there's a tie shop here...and he said..okay..let's go and find it..then he said..but tie shop sure very expensive..but we still went also..
there were so many choices..!! and i was staring staring staring and i gave up..i asked the salesguy to find one for me...so anyway i got daddy a quite light green tie and a quite dark blue tie.... so after that..it was only 10pm..!! we wander around..walk walk walk...in MV..watching people close their shops till 10.30pm..because the movies were all like 11.30pm? by the time it ends it's gonna be like 1am...too late....
so we left MV..and left...but i insisted to wait till midnight ..coz Christmas ma~
yeah..so we waited till midnight.. /XD just for christmas...
so after that, we went home lah~
i gave my dad the ties...and he's like.....thank you and all..and he's like..why suddenly buy? and i'm like..i thought...nevermind... rupa-rupanya, my sister is the one who ask me to buy..as christmas present like that...~
it was a very good christmas...with my baby
25th of December - Christmas Day Merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you all have what you wanted..meaning, the presents~
so i woke up at 10am..got dressed and cleaned and went to church with my family including grandparents....then after the service and lunch..we went to NiuZeXui at Ara Damansara..i have no idea why the English Version of that mall follows the Chinese Version..direct translation is... Cow Car Water... this is their logo...
yes..it's so so so weird..i THINK it's a bull like cow pulling a car...in blue....aaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, we went home after that....mhmm...that's all for my christmas~
Author's Note: all pictures above were taken from the internet because tomoko doesn't carry a camera around wherever she goes and her phone is too high tech to take photos.
Source: www.google.com
single handedly typed by
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