bath and left home at 11.30am....reached drew's place at 12pm...
waited for him to get on..and i slept...we left at 2pm..
reached 1utama and looked for parking....that time also 2.30-245pm edi..
then we decided to eat at Pasta Zanmai...
had some Potato Chicken was so so damn good..we ate for an hour and a half there...hahaha...and we had some..Ice Fruit Tea..which was also damn good..he had this pasta noodle soup thingie which was good as well...basically our lunch was so filling and late..that we didn't feel hungry till dinner..

then..we started our shopping mission..for's the time of the year where we must/have to/have no choice but to go shopping..4pm shop till the middle took a break at Starbucks..had a Dark Cherry Mocha and a Java Chip..didn't buy any new clothes for myself..andrew got a shirt and pants...i got Ipanema slippers...concealer...and christmas cards...

so we shopped and it wasn't enough..plan to go again../XD as for dinner..before we left, we got Sour Cream and Onion Pretzel and a Passion Fruit juice...for dinner..ate in the car while driving..

so that's about it larr..tomorrow gotta work....!!!

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tomoko is having andrewithdrawal syndrome~
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