yeah..i got accepted...i passed my auditions...i even got 3 exemptions..from 2 subjects..
there i was..hoping they kicked me out..den straight away i was ready to go TARC to register..
BUT no...i had to get accepted..i even got my timetable and guess wat...most of my class r in the evening..up to 7pm... when i college..suyen come back from college..this is bad..
i don't know anyone there...i'm all alone...there's no one there...
and i was thinking...hey, i always told myself to be this is it..
another experience to mold me to be a tougher person and stand alone without depending on anyone..
i'll just have to...keep msging suyen when i'm free and disturb her =P

got many foreigners there tho...hahaha...dunno wat crap they were talking in...
got lala's there also le..but not many..not like TARC /gg
but i rather go there...sigh....doom..i'm doomed... briefing..sigh...i'm so screwed up in this frakking world..
SMKA..take me back will u?!! i dun wanna go college...

0 opinions, because everybody has one..:

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tomoko is having andrewithdrawal syndrome~
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