yeah..i'm VERY late to be posting about Band Concert but i just managed to finish uploading the videos andrew helped by recording them with his all so superb more expensive touch screen iPhone like phone.. hmmm...maybe i showed too much aggression there... /XD
*by the way, to our dear miss 'bai ka' ah seong, hope you get well soon before the semester starts..which i'm pretty sure it will if you REST PROPERLY AND STOP SNEAKING OFF TO SCHOOL...*
so anyway, band concert was...funny lah..had many pop songs this semester...wanted to record the Seven Nation Army by voon foong's happen my song was after his song..and i couldn't watch i got andrew to record it lorr..besides, his PHONE QUALITY BETTER...what to do ....two times my phone price..he recorded bring me to life also.. /XD yvonne out of tune..!! yay!! sore throat rules..!!! anyway, the last song during band concert was Bodice..which was very nice..the last 30 seconds..or last minute..they blew the amps on stage....
awesome..!! such power....
so the following day was Ms. Eliz's farewell concert/party i guess the rewired everything to make the amps work..someone did a very touching powerpoint presentation for her...aaanyway, ms. sara and mr.tok tok sang The Prayer..i think it's by Charlotte Church. OMG...
everybody was like....SO SHOCKED to listen to ms.sara's voice..i mean..usually we hear her sing pop songs and was so awed...
and we were kinda shocked to hear tok tok's voice also lah..because...his speaking voice is so 'si mun' and kinda high pitch..but when he sing..we were like..wahh.....!!
luckily didn't pengsan...
it was so funny looking at how the students dress that usual...the contemp people sit on the right side of the recital hall and the classical on the left..and you can see..most of the classical students dress nicely...kinda formal-ish..while the contemp normal..t-shirt and jeans..and....some in t-shirt and shorts...i'm specifically mentioned Nicholas Wong Kean Tat...hmm..what else..we had nice food...? /XD and chern yau was like..what're you doing here? i said..for ms.eliz lah..and he said..i'm here for the one meal's money..i'm like...BUT U'RE PERFORMING.....!! sheeesh....
i'm just bored to death at home now..nothing to do... might die of boredom..and i'm anxious to know my results as well...goodness....especially if i pass my jury or not....
anyway, here are the videos....hmm..lazy to upload into facebook..i think i'll just tag them in Notes...and put the link there... /XD
single handedly typed by
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