finally went to Coffee Chemistry Cafe wit andrew last night~ it was shou
i was kinda nicely romantic-ish for me..because it was windy and all..just the two of us.. in a naish cafe..with good coffee and food~ we spent the whole night there~ we played blackjack..the whole night..who knew?? we were wagering on kisses..and being the egoistic and competitive us, it became fun~
conclusion: i can't keep my poker face infront of andrew..!!
why is that bad? because u're supposed to find someone/partner whom you can decipher and read.. and he's got that point covered..i'm the one being the transparent
he read through ALL MY BLOODY CARDS!! i short....... anyhoo, this is our nomz~

our last cuppa coffee that had coffee art in it!~ erm....Caramel Latte if i'm not mistaken~

my pizza~ it was kinda unique..the top is actually a mixture of eggs and had andrew's favourite stuffings in it... chicken, mushrooms, onions and capcicum...all his favs~

captured at the right moment..licking his lips as he digs into the scrumptious spaghetti~

what's left of our pumpkin and capcicum soup~ t'was naish!

His fine blended mocha and my hazelnut latte~ yumm~

well..that's kinda all~ if you guys are interested in checking this place out.. it's in Sunway Giza..
in a shop called Cubix Platform. The place is called Coffee Chemistry Cafe~ just type it out on Facebook~

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tomoko is having andrewithdrawal syndrome~
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andrew and tomoko

