anyway, gonna leave soon..(i think) i'm not sure...bbbbbut...yeah...i'm VERY sleepy..slept at 3am... waiting for andrew to come back from Singapore and all...

so yeah..i'll be flying off to Taiwan tomorrow.. and i'm bringing my cellphone WITH me..
so please refrain from texting me as the ROAMING CHARGES are VERY expensive.. calls...i can always hang up..but text is beyond my please....the reason i'm bringing along my phone is for andrew purposes..kay?'s really really uber important or life threatening..
if not, i'll come back and kick ur asses..
will be back on the 4th and will fly back to school on the same day to pay my school fees...
my laptop arrived...
mine's the dark blue one... weeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
finally got a blue lappy....
it's Windows 7 though...finding it hard to adjust and get used to it...not to mention the weird keyboard and sengeted trackpad.... still, i'm sure i'll adapt... like all humans do~
and now, my laptop got built in microphone and webcam..i can skype with andrew... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ now, during work...when it's near closing time...that's what i'm waiting for...go home and skype with andrew... and like now...all i'm listening to is his room fan...blowing~ he has this habit of FOCUSING on his GAME...and not respond... (that's why i always fall asleep when he's gaming...ahhahaha...)
nothing much happened la...but still the way the world moves...shocks me sometimes....
the things you least expected most..happens...and it happens in a sudden that u're taken aback..
sometimes you look at it's such a pity and a waste... maybe there's something behind the story...something happened but it was never revealed....that's how curiosity kills the cat.... there may be something and there may not be as somethings are just as simple as it looks.
So to kepo or not to kepo.....
yes...i'm in Machines now..working... so early no customers... XD
what is the relationship? there's lah..but not much... so why is that?
to those fellow readers out there, if you guys still exist (just joking), i'm sure you always find a good book and voila, it becomes a movie... you get kinda excited in the first place...and then when the trailer comes out... your reaction probably is the same like mine....
....loading trailer from YewToob... ( damn excited... it's finally coming..... )
...finish loading.... and in your mind, probably these few questions sneak by..
- eh..!! that main character..looks like that? i thought it was described as blond with blue eyes..why come out black hair and green eyes?
- why the book say the guy drop dead gorgeous and in the movie ..i'm not dead yet wan....
...halfway through the trailer.... ( your steam is slowly being sucked away... potong stim la..) and u're wondering this... (this is only my assumption)THIS PART ISN'T IN THE MOVIE...!!! AND THAT GUY IS SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD.... EH?! WHY HERE GOT FIGHTING SCENE WAN?!! AHMAH..!! THE FELLOW SUPPOSED TO LEAVE..WHY IS HE STILL HANGING AROUND?
.....and then the video ends... and you're stuck there thinking or wondering..if the director actually read the book.... hmmm....
it's really cool that one of your favourite books are turning into a movie..but your first expectation of that, it's probably gonna be 50% different from the book.. which element of the 50% remains...? Things like..the characters in the story, how they died, who they fall in love with and they TRY to find the suitable looks for that particular character... and the 5% from the 50% goes to the original story line.... so always expect to see a different story line to avoid disappointment after watching the movie...
what gave me inspiration to write on this topic today..?
Conclusion: I just watched New Moon's trailer.... i'm so so excited and after i watched the trailer, i'm a bit put off...
BUT because my love for the Twilight Saga is so immensively huge, i'm STILL EXCITED TO WATCH IT...!!! been listening to one of the OST's from the New Moon movie since last night..repetatively.... yes, i'm a loyal, boring and not romantic person...
simple duet by Boys Like Girls and Taylor Swift (suprised that she sang it) ....very simple chord progression and melody line (omg..why am i talking in musical terms.... revert back) awesome lyrics though... if i'm emo enough, i could cry listening to it..but since it's the start of the holidays and i'm excited for the movie..positive feelings reeling in..hard to shed a tear.. when the next sem kicks in, i probably might flood the house listening to the song.. coz i can foresee the torment in the next coming semester... come..i can predict yours too!!
back to the topic, yeah... examples of books being destroyed by movies... erm..... Eragon..(arya a rounded-ear elf with the wrong hair colour~)...Harry Potter... Twilight + New moon...(not so bad though)...Dragon Ball...(totally destroyed).. oh..and A Series of Unfortunate Events was squished into one movie..wish i could get my hands on that book..then i'd know the truth behind the scenes... hahaha..ironic.. can't think much as my tired eyes are distracting me and taking about 80% of my i guess that's about it...
ahh..i guess i haven't mentioned the title of the song i've been jamming into my head the past day...
Two Is Better Than One by Boys Like Girls ft. Taylor Swift .... enjoy.. !!
Those who do not prefer to listen to pop..(i know a few) don't listen to it... i don't wanna get feedback from you guys telling me about it... hope u GET MY MESSAGE..!!
Maybe it's trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, that i can't live without you..
and maybe twoooooooooooooooooo, is better than one........
update: i changed my blog's playlist...the first song is Two Is Better Than One~ hehe..
firstly, yes i'm on holiday..but i gotta work..coz i gotta get a new laptop..before next sem that arranging would be easier...i hope..
2ndly, i watched Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs and Inglorious Basterds.. cloudy was nice..basterds was...okay larr......
3rdly, andrew is having his finals...
4thly, i've nothing much to say but.... that's all folks..!! hahahahhaha ( woody woodpecker's laugh )
bye!'s about cars on the road again~
recently i've been through many similar situations whereby... you are driving behind this car...who's hogging both could be just a tiny kancil...but he/she is hogging both lanes... i mean...WTF?! he probably was on the right lane..okay..then slowly moves slightly towards the 20% of his car is on the left lane...infront of him ..maybe there are no cars..maybe there is a car on each lane..and he's thinking..hmmmm... which lane would be faster? so he decided to move a little bit more to the left..thinking the left lane would be now, he's 50% on each lane..then he sees that..oh no! the left car is actually kinda slow..and he moves a little more to the right...then he continues this way for awhile... meanwhile..u're at the back thinking..WTF...!!! PICK A LANE...there are people who can ACTUALLY MAKE CHOICES BEHIND YOU!!
the next scenario is what i experience a couple of times..and recently a couple of days back..i was on Federal Highway..and i was driving on the leftest lane..towards Cheras..there was a lorry beside me but he was sort of infront but on my right as i was reaching him...i noticed that he switched on his signal... (yay he uses signal...but....) so since it was signalling to the right, i continue accelerating as i was on the left..then as i advanced forward, the lorry slowly inched towards the left...and logic would tell me that.. nobody can drive exactly in the middle of the lane and would swerve WITHIN his i ignored it..reminding myself, he's trying to go to his right lane..and by this time, i was next to him and the idiot tried to move into the left lane..i was..WTF?!! I'M OVER HERE DUFUS..!! and he probably heard my mental scream...and moved back... i know there are people who are signal blind/ignorant.. i didn't there are people who are direction blind.... signal right and go left..!! weeeeeeeeeeeeee~ it's amazing...
the next incident happened yesterday..was on the way back from andrew's place to go back to school for band practice..and so happen david needed a lift from BTS i picked him up and used the backway to get back to school to avoid the jam... there's this kancil infront of me... and he signals to the right..and moves to the okay..i accelerate a little..then he signals back to the left...and comes back to the left...david was!! and then..he signals to the right again....and moves to the right... by this time, if my memory did not fail me..david was shouting MCB edi... and then when we were about to the reach the turning to the left..he signalled left and turned left.... by this time, i was like.. this is another case of...not being able to make decisions...
this last incident i'm about to share happens in know they're always polite on the can we do that if the parents itself show a university,, i mean..when we are queuing up to exit the school which only has 1 exit... we QUEUE up...we do not cut queues like we do on highways or whatever because...we're in the same uni...u probably know the person in the car infront of u..or behind on so forth...i mean..common sense tells you that...these people are probably gonna bump into u someday or another...u'd hate to make enemies... (this is my point of view) it happened to me twice..first it was this lady..a mother..coz i saw her daughter in the car..she cuts queue...from behind..all the way to the front..i was like...EXCUSE ME? we're the teens are are said to be rebellious at our age but we're queueing up due to the respect we have for each other because we study at the same place..what makes YOU think you can cut queues?? if the gov or high authorities and older people expect us to behave on the road, wouldn't they at least become the example for us? further more, you're doing this on educational grounds..and she had the 'mm diu' face on... then a few days back..this man did the least he had the courtesy to apologize..people were like staring at him..
not to say i'm a very polite driver myself...but at the very least, i don't do the things that i know would irritate me if another driver were to do that to me...
P/S: No offense to anyone...just merely expressing myself~
due to super fast and efficient system of loading pictures on blogspot..i have uploaded pictures of HAMM3 events on facebook~
so for more pictures, please move your damn cursor here and click the left button~
due to mom's orders...i'll be leaving KL at 5 freaking am in the morning on Cameron Highlands with my mom's 6 other siblings..meaning 7 families including my mom's parents...and maids and stuff.. i'll be back on Tuesday k? Don't miss me... Andrew is in Johore now... (sorry..had to put that in)
Question I would really like to ask the government....
i'm really this close to sending a letter to The Star in hopes that they'd publish it...
Seriously folks, do cars these days come with signals? Correct me if i'm wrong as i don't know what else to call it besides Signals. Because as i've come to notice in my short 2 year period of driving experience, i've come to my final realization that malaysian either do not know how to fully utilize a car don't come with signals anymore.. because they are just so immensively many cars that just swing left and right at their own conscience. well hello sir, i happen to be on you right, behind you, and probably just kicked my accelerator and you happen to swerve by?? Wow, and i'd be my fault if we crash because i hit u from behind? Wow..!! Awesome..!! Changing lanes when there are no cars on the road, or probably a couple of cars that look like 50cent coins from ur mirror, without using the signal is totally fine by me. Honestly, even if it happens to be your grandfather's road, PLEASE, I'M NOT PART OF YOUR FAMILY NOR DO WE HAVE THE SAME GRANDFATHER..I NEED SIGNALS TO TELL ME U'RE CHANGING LANES OR BUDGING INTO MY TERRITORY..I'M NOT A FREAKING MIND READER.. i'm sure you guys who drive or stay awake during journeys will understand what i'm saying..for those who happen to just realize that u're such a person.. no offense but seriously, make use of the black stick on your right that moves up and down behind your the case of cars like Proton Waja, make use of the stick on the left...
Case 2 is a case where usually the modified, pimped, rempited, sports car wannabes are involved. You're probably in the middle lane and think...okay..the car is about the size of a 50cent on the right lane, he's so far, i can cut in. You make use of your right signal and slowly move out to the right. It's polite to move slowly, as a sign that, Hi..i'm coming in. You're about 3/4 in the right lane and the car behind you ( you've been looking at the back mirror and monitoring the car behind ) happens to speed up. You know because u saw him at the size of a 50cent and now you can probably see the pimple inside his nose. He sticks close behind you and starts honking you. HELLO... ARE YOU BLIND? i know there are people who don't use the signal..i didn't know there are people who IGNORE signals... it has happened many times and i've seen other cars suffering the same thing. and it's usually those 'sporty' wiras...and so forth..if u're offended by how i'm picking on the modified cars, it's not my fault.. it's how you guys carry yourself...
Case 3 is a question i'd like to know. Are the speed cameras really working? Are they actually switched on?!!! Come on..!! It's a low low low traffic road and the speed limit is 50km/h. ANd there are 3 cameras along the effin kerinchi link...from 50 it increases to 60 km/h. Not much difference if you ask me. I tried keeping it at 50km/h. The meter just wouldn't drop to 50... on top of that, i was driving according to the speed limit 60km/h...and all these cars started pilling behind me..and they were all trying to like..cut me..DUHH....IT'S SO EFFIN SLOW....and there are FOUR LANES...what if there were 4 idiots like me trying to avoid a speeding ticket because you just RECIEVED ONE..!! i mean..honestly, when there are no we stick to 50/60 km/h on a empty long long road........??
now my title says it all..but what's with the Part I ?? because part 2 starts 2mrw..will only upload them when we're back this Friday~
saturday night..went back to Ipoh..before that, i took the chance to go out to Pyramid with andrew...andrew,eujoe,kaka and min yunn supposed to go to Genting for a movie..but eujoe FFK~
i had my favourite dish from Pasta Zanmai again..!!
Potato Chicken Gratin..!!! i think that's the name la... /XD
left home about 8pm..reached Ipoh at 10.20pm like that...
that's me and my little little cousin..there's a reason why the picture is so dark..SO THAT U CAN'T SEE..!! weeeee~
after that, my uncle brought us to eat supper at the famous chicken rice shop that's always full of favourite...i love the soup..!!!
went rafting the next day... pictures will come soon..when they burn it into a CD and send to my uncle..then he'll send it to us i guess.. /XD
i've only pictures AFTER the rafting... in Adelaine's Resort thingie..
seriously, it was an awesome experience and it was one helluva fun day.. tiring too..and i'm hurts...
me on the hammock they have there while my little cousin puts on a serious face behind me..funny guy..sister...on the hammock opposite me.. /XD
you see the little hut behind her? that's where we had our chinese buffet lunch which was very very very tasty and good..!!this is the video when i looked up from my hammock~
that night, my uncle brought us to the golf club where he's a member in...can't for the love of God remember what's the place's name...
there's japanese restaurant in there which he brought us to...the price is more or less the same as in KL..just that the portion of the food is 50% more..weee~
there..the restaurant's name is kizuna of the sushi that my mom ordered...very big..unagi..with egg, cucumber and the ebiko egg...very nice...
and now..this is my sunburnt shoulder..that's the worst shoulder..and then redness goes all the way on my arm..and my thigh area near my knees...shoulder hurt the most...
that's about it gua..lazy..wait till the pictures come by first la~
had a belated birthday lunch yesterday with Karen, Seong Seong, Jie Ying, Secret, Penny and Voon Foong at this restaurant called Fun OK~
needless to say, i'm lazy to blog again..and pictures shall represent my blog entry they say.. a picture's worth a thousand words..
MTV World Stage......was great..!!
left home at about 3pm...reached drew's place at 3.40pm ish under the heavy rain...was thinking..oh crap..oh how how?? i was in a black baby tee and normal attire...when i saw andrew..i almost jatuh... his England football jersey thingamajig..and pants..till his knees..and flip me.. i'm like..okay..
so yeah..we went and when we entered Sunway area..the sun was blazing.. andrew say the indons jampi so that the rain would go away.. /XD
we parked at Sunway Pyramid...and we went to Bonita first..coz i had a coupon that expires Korean Studs...gave it to my's nice.. just tried to take a picture of it..stupid phone cannot take detailed stuff...wanna change phone.. /XD no money..weeeeee~~
yeah...we got it..then we walked around for a bit..then i said i'm a little was 4pmish edi..later dunno got time to eat or not we went to KFC and shared their dinner plate...3 fried chicken, mash potatoes, coleslaw and pepsi..WHICH ANDREW FINISHED MY PEPSI... << i didn't emo till like that though...
so yeah..then we went to buy drink...i wanted we got the water and walked to the beach..the sunway beach thingie where the concert was many people..i think that time 5pm ish edi..?? and andrew was many people still outside..sumore so hot..wanna walk back into the mall when we bumped into his sister... /XD she just came..and she went in..while we went back into the mall and jalan jalan again~ about 6...6.30pm ish then we went into the beach...NO DRINKS and NO CAMERAS allowed... andrew and i finished our water right there..i was very thirsty.. /XD luckily.. they stamped our hands... (in my handbag, were sweets, cheese crackers, chipsmore and a fan which we just bought from Living Cabin before entering...takut panas...luckily we bought it...i brought the biscuits so that in case andrew hungry he got something to eat... )
the only picture i took that looks proper..the rest look like shit...NO CAMERAS ALLOWED and my phone camera cacat...eventhough 3.2megapixels.. in case some of you are looking through with the help of glasses... /XD it says MTV World Stage Live In Malaysia~ after that there was this Celcom spin the wheel can win nintendo Wii..PSP and water..and reload..i didn't wanna spin..lazy..andrew say got free stuff..why don't fine..but then halfway they said ps2, psp, nintendo and crap all finish edi..and he still wanna ok..he got a free water and..i got a PSP... yeap..only that it's finished.. yay!! before the spin i was fine..after the spin i'm yep~
so we went into the man made beach which was a little wtf as i was wearing jeans..but it's a good thing..coz after that we were sitting on the ground..the pool that they drained out.. the lead singer from Hoobastan..Robb..or some sort..douglas? he said..this is the first time i've seen so many people in a pool.. hahaha..ironic.. XD then he continued..with no water..!!
we saw Boys Like Girls first... seriously, one of the ways to define a good artist is that they/he/she sound the same as their recording as they do in live..and live supposed to be better la.. /XD no restrictions ma.. and all the bands were good..!! and they funny part was when it started drizzling..and Boys Like Girls were like... i hear thunder coming..and then they performed Thunder... wow..i think MTV picks their bands/singers to perform..imagine if they called Ocean Avenue..terus hujan.. /XD the rain stopped after Thunder cool... ( andrew said the jampi is working..)
they have like LONG LONG intermissions in between 2 at first, for Boys Like Girls..we were kinda infront..with all the people..then after the break..andrew wanted to go to the loo..and they have these portable toilets towards the wave pool beach sea thingie..and seriously, we could see so much clearer further away..and there are less we stayed there... Hoobastank was great.. they played Crawling In The that song..and The Reason..the moment the piano intro came in...andrew was screaming his ...heart? out.. never seen him so excited.. he was waiting for that song... it was really really good.. there was Raygun which i only know one song..they're somewhat a mix between the clash and hippie..they're pretty good... and then there was pixie lott which we don't really have a clue who she is..but she's good too.. during one of the intermissions while i was sleeping on andrew's shoulders..debbie appeared infront of me..MY GAWD..SHE'S SO THIN...she got thinner than our form 5 days..which was already quite thin!!!! and her hair is back to form 5 style again.. /XD
the last performance we watched was The All American Rejects which was awesome..>!!!! oh..i forgot to mention..Hoobastank played GHOSTBUSTERS!! funny..and everyone was singing..or shouting..GHOSTBUSTERS..!! back to where i was.. the all american rejects sang..SWING SWING..!! woot...!! and dirty little secret.. if i'm not mistaken, they're the only band who performed so many songs..most were like 4...pixie lott sang 3..and all american rejects sang 5 i think... it was great... i'm having sore throat now..shouted quite a bit yesterday... my 2nd concert ma... first time was Celine Dion with suyen..and her aunts..her very cool aunts.. /XD
then now it's MTV World Stage..!! wooot...!!! Many thanks to Andrew's sister, Azaria (very cool name) for giving us the tickets.... thank you thank you.. ( eventhough u're not reading this.. XD )
T'was a very tiring but pleasant and fun night.. and HAMM 2..for tomorrow... i wonder what time is it.... hmmm......... * ponders*
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