those of you who watch How I Met Your Mother would know what a Perfect Week is..
mine isn't as close as perfect week.. In How I Met Your Mother, Barney (a male character, not barney the dinosaur) sleep with 7 girls in 7 days with no rejection. That's a perfect week.
My perfect week was seeing andrew everyday and sleeping over for 2 nights..(his parents were in jakarta for the week..) Sleeping over with him, was great..and fun and all..First of all, the distance from his home and school was SO SO SO was so nice to spend 10mins on the road and u're there..
secondly, we can do what we normally do at our respective homes studying, eating, brush teeth...
thirdly, i wake up and i see him, before i sleep, i see him..and when i come back from uni, i see him.. it's like THE dream..~
Forthly, i have someone to sleep with at night..i don't need to stare at the four walls of my room and wait till i sleep..
there are lots of advantages la..and there were also..not really disadvantages la..but..during our time together.. (i was at his place, even when i wasn't staying over..) we kinda found out more about each other what jieying,karen and also andrew himself said, staying together takes time to get used to.. and now i know la...
and it just seems that, the more i know about him, good or bad, the more i'm in love with him.. it's like.. how is it possible? it just never ends.. which is good..!!
also, i've finish watching Glee in 2 days...first few episodes with andrew.. and the rest at home in a day.. hahaha.. i remember, i saw andrew get angry..or agitated..thankfully not at me..shall not reveal who..but i was scared..when i saw his facial expression..i was like.. but when he look at me, he went back to his smiley face..i was like..
anyway, it's a very messy post..i'm writing a week's memory in it's all messy and not organized... oh yeah, i've watched Alice in Wonderland..i think they changed to story line..i remember alice waking up from her wonderland slaying the jabberwocky with the vorpal sword~
what else ah...cannot remember la..listening to Glee's actually a nice series.. seriously, their rendition of all the songs is like so good..i wonder who the arranger is..or are....
so kewl~ and i think/hope/wonder/should be... that the actors/actresses actually sang their parts..they are all awesoem vocalists..especially the dude on the wheelchair..wonder if he's really on a wheel chair..shall google it after i post this...
and i shall post this now...cya next time~
update: Kevin Mchale the guy on a wheel chair..if u google it..there is a kevin mchale basketball player and kevin mchale from Glee.. he can walk.. wonder how long he took to learn those wheel chair stunts~
and they cast of Glee can really sing..the director took 3 months and observed broadway and selected his cast~ kewl~
this post is about..Friday..the 26th of February.. prophet mohammed's birthday..
andrew and i went to Sunway Pyramid and watched The Book of Eli which happens to be.. The Holy Bible.. yeap..we went to watch the movie without a clue to what it was..
well, to waas almost like an art film...rarely any words...the only colours were dirty yellow,black and white..but it was quite a cool movie at some point la..but a bit boring as well...a 2 hour movie that felt like 4 hours..
i bought this pen from Mini's a Stitch pen that lights up if the phone rings.. ( jieying, if u're reading this..yes, i called you to test the pen...)
IT'S SUCH A CUTE PEN...!!!~ yeap...and i used my laptop's webcam to take the pictures.. my phone doesn't take small close up pics well..they look too pixelly and fuzzy..
also, i bought this ring from Diva... was looking for a big ring for awhile since my last one died about 3-4 years ago..i've waited the appopriate years to mourn for it k... anyway, saw this ring that was in purple..and then it had another black one..was thinking of getting the purple one..but andrew said the black was nicer..and true...if i got the purple one, i only have ONE purple shirt..i think i'm attracted to things that are in hues of the same colour..coz the ring had purple gems of different hues..
at one point, i couldn't find the ring i wanted...(this was before stepping into Diva) and i was flinging his hand around saying i want one today..!! and he's like...nahh..and he held my hand with his left hand while his right hand went rummaging through his pocket.. i thought he had some rubbish that was shaped in a circle in his pocket and he was gonna put on my finger..but he didn't have trash in his pocket..(only i have lotsa treasured junks in my pocket) he took his hand out, and wrapped his 2 fingers around my finger and said..the ring is ME!! happy?! i was bit zha dou..and yet, it was sweet...
so we walked around with his fingers wrapped around mine for awhile... hehehe... credits to andrew for being creative..
anyway, if u notice the time of the post...if it's accurate, it's actually 7.49am now..why am i up so early..? yes, it's to blog... JUST JOKING..!!
have major replacement at 8.30am...aww mann..!!'s that early..!!!
that'd be all..gotta leave wish i was still sleeping though..