
stole this from charmaine.

You are The Star

Hope, expectation, Bright promises.

The Star is one of the great cards of faith, dreams realised

The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench your thirst, with a guiding light to the future. They might say you're a dreamer, but you're not the only one.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.


i got the book today!! daddy got it for me early morning..
and now, past midnight.. IFINISHTHEBOOK!!!


i'm lazy to blog..so i'll just put pictures of andrew's bday instead..very limited only though..

well..this was after i appeared with the cake to his surprise and said while pointed..WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? den we gave him the card..
i have no idea what's happening but this should be still at Manhattan's Fish Market
I KNOW HE'S DAMN CUTE ALRIGHT.. anyway this way..obviously before he blew out the candles and cut the cake..
and this was after the food..or lunch.. and we were all at TGV..this was where Jaya possed with his lab coat.. i will try my best to dig the photo out..ahhaha..then i'll put it up.. ^^


i dun wanna blog about what happened.. repeat sad story..
so instead, i wanna make myself happy so that i can make others happy..
and make andrew happy.. so what makes me happy?

so cute right... heexx .. ^^


yvonne no mood.. don't wanna blog..


i havent' been free.. tonight is the concert night and i have the whole day free till 5pm...
ok i wanna blog about 4th of July.. nope it's not about America's Independence Day... it's andrew's birthday!!!

i had class in the morning on wednesday at 8am till 9.30am.. and suyen finishes class at 12pm and andrew finishes at 12.30.. we've planned this for 2weeks edi..kept changing the plan because andrew keep spoiling it..hahaha..well it IS a suprise so he didn't know larr..kenot blame him...
the plan was like this... i got karen lui to fetch me to bandar tasik selatan...den they park my car there..because karen, karen and jieying went to mv.. so anyway, i sat train to KLCC... and was at Masjid Jamek when suyen called and said yvonne!!! we just finish class and we were walking pass their class and they came flooding out..we're coming with them.. and i was like..BAHH!! die lorr die lorr..i arrived earlier than them at KLCC...i was hiding behind this wall near the escalator.. i was smsing suyen..where r u now when i saw amily at the escalator.. i quickly called suyen and she said..WE'RE HERE!! and i was like..I KNOW I SAW AMILY..so i ran out of the counter swap my touch&go and ran into KIOSK..i hid there where the salesman kept staring at me.. hahahah..den suyen called and say..where are u.. i said KIOSK KIOSK KIOSK and she asked I KNOW..WHERE ARE YOU?!! i was like..KIOSK LARR!! she thought i said Chaos...den she owhh..we're coming..so they came..the rest left..hahah..thank God andrew didnt' see me...

so after that, we went to secret recipe and bought the cake he liked.. Chocolate Indulgence.. hahha..and they were at Manhattan Fish Market..seriously, the cake WAS HEAVY MANN..so i spotted the fish market and i saw andrew..wahh..panic..i ran to the pillar opposite the fish market..quite a distance but opposite.. and we all hid there... den munhon and trishil popped by once in awhile to keep me updated since i kenot peek or anything but hold the cake and wait..and suyen was walking left and right while talking on the phone.. half screaming..and i was getting more and more excited..den suddenly munhon came and said..ANDREW IS WALKING AROUND LOOKING FOR SOMETHING..wahh..panic mann..we ran into the lift area infront of us and went to the fire escape stairs and squatted there..seriously i felt like i came from China without a passport..came illegally..ahahha..so i waited there...while they keep walking in and out..sometimes i squatted there alone..hahahah..den munhon came back and said..he was looking for England Optical..cehh... *swt* zha dou...

den finally, they got a place in fish market restaurant..means we gotta go in edi lorr.. so we went to the ice cream parlour outside the fish market where trishil and suyen set up the cake while i hid behind a stall nxt to the ice cream place because?? to hide because andrew was sitting at the 'OUTTEST' place.. so we lit everything up and i carried the cake in.. i walk one step the candles were like gonna get put off.. i was like oh great..now the candles..and amily was holding her file covering any wind... i walked into the restaurant..PAISEH..everyone looking at me.. and i was staring at the candles...when i was few steps away..ONE CANDLE TALAK API..munhon or suyen or someone light it back on...YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN ANDREW'S FACE...hahhaa..shocked...because when i was hiding at the stairs thinking andrew was out looking for something..we scared he suspect..so i sms him that i just finish math class and going to karen's house.. so i put the cake infront of him and we were singing happy birthday and all.. and andrew said.. what are you doing here? while pointing at me.. hahaha... seriously, the reaction was hilarious..

so we finish the song..got him to blow the candles and cut the cake... hahaha...the feeling in me..just can't be described.. hahaha...he was so suprised and that's the thing we wanted to give him larr..hahaha...but it was weird larr..the whole table was a bunch of ppl i don't know.. there are pictures but with trishil and she isn't online to send them to me.. so anyway, after that he still asked me what i was doing there.. and i'm like..i got break now marr..hahah..it was true!! i was having break at THAT time of the celebration..before that..eheh.. i skipped 3 classes that day larr.. he's suprised and kinda like..u skipped 3 classes..but he's happy...and that's all that matters... i'm so happy too.. because he's happy and because the whole plan succeeded..everything went well... and we made jaya wear the lab coat and the lab specs outside the cinema because andrew requested..and i was like..bday boy's requested..and andrew said..MY BDAY PRESENT..GO!! hahah..he came outta the toilet in the coat.. we were laughing like mad.. and honestly, it was KLCC's TGV and there were MANY people.. all staring at Jaya.. and then he wore the specs and..stood next to the Alone Movie poster where there's a girl and he pose and they took picture..den i was like.. *half laughing and holding stomach coz laugh till pain* EVERYONE IS LOOKING AT YOU. .and u noe what he did? he waved to everyone... KELAKAR BETUL ..and he went into the movies in the coat..ahhahah..

there's more to it that day but that's all that i feel like typing...tooooo long to type and i'm lazy..
tonight is the concert...hope it goes well...


i have to say it was funny... we bought chyh shen a condom..a display one only..ahahhahaha..
it's damn cute ok.. and he can't believe how we actually went to buy it.. hahahahaha

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tomoko is having andrewithdrawal syndrome~
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andrew and tomoko

