now i got conjunctivitis..mann..wat's sister had to spread it to me larr..
and the doctor said mine is pretty serious..i even have to take pain killers... damn..
i scared i spread to andrew.... eventho the chances for aw to kena is higher since he came over today.. but i warned him edi larr..
pray pray hard i won't spread to anyone..
went to MV with andrew today..watched Mr. Bean... damn funny....
seriously, go watch it mann..
btw, these are the pics...OF MY POOR CAR WHO LOST HER VIRGINITY..she was raped by a lousy proton saga mann!!
my car...after crash edi rite...u see..still look new..but if u look from the side..
it's bad....have to change front bumper and mudguard and all the innards that got injured.. my car door gotta hit back into shape..
now this is when we were stuck in the middle of the road..crashed together ..sigh
now this is wat happened to her poor car...
* courtesy of jeslin for the photos.. ^^
DAMN ...IT'S MY CAR SHE CRASHED MANN.. *sigh* wat's done is done~
MY LIFE OK..I HAD JASON AND JESLIN IN MY CAR OK.. WTF IS WRONG WITH HER..MY FUCKING CAR IS FUCKING BRAND NEW..will upload the pic of my car and how that idiot crashed it soon..
^^ my car came last night.. seriously, it's damn weird ok.. everything is so... hard.. hahhaahah..
but it's alrite..bcoz..IT'S MINE WEHH..hahahhaha...
Metallic Silver Kelisa.. hahaha..and I CAN FIT IN IT OK..i'm not THHHHHHHAAAAAAAATTTT
this saturday go and install reverse sensor..ahahhaha..can die without the sensor ok!!!!
nothing much happened la...just that yday, we were in the train and trishil was like i'm going Bangsar station.. so we were like...okla..wait for her.. she's so we got of at Ampang Park Station to wait for her...when she reached, it was like 8am liao...AHAHAHAH..we were all late..i was afraid that i'd miss the shuttle...they reached college at 8.30am like that..left of at Wangsa Maju to sit taxi bcoz trishil said: THE ROAD IS GONNA BE FULL OF PUDDLES, U WAN ME TO WALK ON IT?
been really tired this week, since last Friday..loads of assignments piling up INCLUDING homework.. and finals are coming...sigh...i'm tired and sleepy but somehow i dunno why i'm holding on just fine... maybe bcoz andrew gimme energy?? =P i crapping edi..
hahahhaahhaha...oh well...miss huiwen n sookie edi..gone for NS camp in God knows where they are..some sesated area i guess...hahahahaha........hopefully they don't come back all tanned and dark and of different shades..HAHAHAHAHA...
9.40am : andrew came over to my house... loaf around a bit..i got ready..took my books n stuff so that later can go for class
10am: left home for MV..he mengada..he's like.. i'm trusting my life into your hands..
10.15am : reach MV..found parking..met up with kahchong den got tickets to Pan's Labyrinth and Primeval..found out that Pan's Labyrinth was rated the...BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE MOVIE..we were like..oh shit..who's fault? andrew and kah chong..
11am : minnyun food..masuk and watch the horrible buaya movie..scary parts i closed my eyes..ahhahah...poor andrew..i was so scared i squeezed him like..aduhh..
12.45pm: movie ended..met up with huiwen, debbie, amily, sumi and sandy wd her BF..
1.15pm: makan in McD's..only ANDREW makaned...hahha..we curi his fries aje... :p
1.30pm : went to watch Pan's Labyrinth..IT WAS ACTUALLY NICE... Spanish.. really nice movie..even nicer than Primeval..i think..hahahah
3.30pm: movie ended..gotta fly to college for 4pm class when...suddenly had a meeting n decided..aiyah..skip class aje la...hahahha
4.50pm: left MV....drove into wrong lane..ended up in T.T.D.I. but managed to drive back to Cheras..traffic jam like shit but got stuck in it for abt 5 mins only..lucky ..though it was raining
5.25pm: reached UCSI..fetch Jessica and Karen to my house..
5.50pm: reached home..Karen hog laptop and play o2jam..hahahha...
7.30pm: left home for Istana Budaya..wanna watch Classical Concert : Beethoven's Symphony No.9 "Choral"
11pm: reached home..physically and mentally exhausted but i held on..ate strawberries n cherry tomatoes...
12.24am: is the time now..i've class at 9.30am 2mrw.. sigh..but it's alrite..after that got bball..muahhahahaha...i nak tidur edi energy to stay up any longer..
beautiful day..hahhaha...
so into telling the results...forgot to blog about wat actually happened the whole day... ^^
so anyway, i went to school at about 10.15am bcoz suyen went at that i teman her..
wanna see her ma..since she's grounded... so foong yee took her results FIRST...
pn.jas was the FIRST teacher to arrive with the stack of envelopes with our results...!! why she so rajinted weh?!! so then after that, kalaivani went to take the results..and she only got 3 A's..
i was hanging out with kimmie.. and both of us stared our shit nervous jumpy thingie and we were like..omg omg omg omg...kalai got 3..i'm like..we're not gonna get any A's lah..die lah..all the results so shitty....
ONE hour later of being nervous and looking at COURAGEOUS people take their results and ending up in tears...i finally dared to step to the table..but then pn. manu was there! i saw her i cabut but SHE FREAKING DRAG ME TO THE TABLE AND MADE ME SIT AND pn.jas just chuck my certs and ask me to sign..den she's like..nahh..4A's .. i'm like..TEACHER WHY U TELL ME?!! I DUN WANNA SEE!! ish..but pn.jas was like..congrats..the results are good... i'm like... *touched* but my results are STILL LIKE we WAITED sumore la..since we wanna gang up marr... saw abby..SEXY LADY edi..ahhaha..looked prettier than her pretty self.. haha..
sandy sumi and genevieve look so dark edi.. i shall not enclose any of their SPM results.. kalaivani excluded..ahahhaha...had to have a comparison ma... anyway, saw debbie, sandy ,sumi, abby, genevieve, sookie, amily,kimmie and SO ON LA..BANYAK THE PEOPLE.. during the whole time, i kept calling andrew to know his results WHICH I FELT LIKE A NUISANCE but i wanted to know..but his STEWPID school took sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long to give the anyway, i left him to dwell in the... *choke choke* tension ke apa ke kat sekolah and we one big group went to MV and we're sure to meet LOTSA LOTSA familiar faces..ahahhahah..all schs around our this area are one big family..there were..13 of us in the gang ok!!
so first we went to Pizza Hut but it was JAM PACKED..mateyo..SARDINE foong yee suggested Domino's. it was the 13 of us fit in there..and makan makan makan and about 2 something...andrew they all came..and mengada..he said san, huiwen and abby teman me find him..WE WENT TO THE OTHER san fransisco at the OTHER END of the mall when he was at THE other END at a DIFFERENT floor..hahahhaha..oh well, so much for leading me the sesated fellow.. den i told him to go makan with nick they all la...after awhile, huiwen was like..i wanna go kacau we went..hahaha..coz we left Domino's edi marr...they were at Kim Gary's..
From the left clockwise : amily, the missing me [ photographer ], huiwen, abby, foongyee, seesee, junior,jeanie,the librarian i forgot her name, judtih, sookie, gayatri and liangfang
as we were reaching Kim Gary's we saw..MENGYEN,HUITENG AND CHINYIN..hahhaha..instead of seeing andrew, i sat outside with mengyen they all and yack..three of us..ahaha..and andrew they all keep staring out la..ahhaha.. chuan zhou,andrew,munhon and nick and some guy in pink after awhile, i ask andrew la..i come in ar? and he's like come in.. so i went in and nick they all were like..ahhh or ohh or anyway, first thing EVERYONE will ask on the 12th of March it's 'How many A's did you get?' munhon,cz and andrew did well la...nick pulak..ahahah...same with suyen..
NICK MAH..U GOTTEN FATTER..HAHAHAHHAHAHA..hmm...hang around with them awhile then i went back out to my dear mengyen..after all the yack yack and gibberish, we left and jalan back with the gang..HAHAHA..I MET TENG JIAN...not bad..quite good looking weh.ahhaha...they were eating in PIZZA HUT LEH...but their group not as big as our 'tour'.. hahaha...we went amily cari baju..den we went in and out and in and out and in and outta the bowling area and andrew came n join in..hahah...alone so he called his back up..some dude that represents msia in hockey under 18..funny weh..and at that moment in the group was me sookie liangfang and abby..all of us damn tall weh..the fellow feel so.. ball-less..
after that, about 5 something they all left..abby sookie they all..LEFT HUIWEN AND we join nick they all...den i saw Alex.. HAHAHAHA....SAME RESULTS..HE DIDN'T BEAT ME..ahhahahhahahhaha.. relief..he dare me to teman him see Nirmala..TAKNAK!! mengada anyway, met banyak banyak people la..anyway, chuan zhou's cousin, zoey and joanne..the ones i met them last time..came.. hahah..THEY'RE we met up with them..and went to the pool place..ahahha..PEOPLE WERE SMOKING LIKE SHIT THERE OK...wat to do..pool and pub kinda place..
cz and joanne main pool ALMOST WON but he poke too hard.. poke? push? hit? so the white ball went in with the black ball... ^^ not bad not bad..IT'S A COMPLIMENT FROM ME..
den they go play foosball and i nak balik..promised i'd be home for daddy came n fetch me lorr... hahah...huiwen's parents going to MV to makan dinner so she had to stay there moodless since she was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hungry..ahha...we didn't eat much at domino's...oh well..that's about it..besides that, i was totally energyless when i got home and sticky and hot and sweaty..ergh...itu je..
fun day..serious..i don't think i've been out the whole day till that late without any any any nagging or anything..ahhaha..but it was fun meeting them..ESPECIALLY JUDITH..I MISS YOU..bwahahahhaha...huiwen i miss you too...abby also..i miss you all la..except for those unknown juniors who joined in..dunno them..hahaha.. okla..itu je.. JYA MATANE!
well, my results suck so...but i think those who are concerned abt me..i think will wanna here it is .. my shitty results...
English : 1A
1119 :1A
BM : 4B
Moral : 6C
Sejarah : 6C
Matematik : 2A
Seni : 1A
Add Math : 4B
Accounts : 4B
Chem : 4B
Bio : 5C
E.S.T. : 1A
that's how bad it is.. 4A's, 4B's and 3C's.. 1119 punyer A not included.. hahha..
my shitty results ^^
tomorrow 10am SPM results coming out..
i'm so excited..
and i'm also very excited to see my frens!! weeeeeeeeeeeee~
today piano postponed till i went for recital at 1-2pm after piano Major..
so i watch till Caleb was playing the Concerto No.6 [I THINK..i forgot the name.. ] den i left for TARC.. i was damn sleepy today ok..i was in the train..fell asleep den suddenly suyen called SWT..just when i fell asleep..SHE WAS LIKE WHR R U? i'm like....wangsa maju..den she's like good..we should reach same time as u..
so i reached..and they haven't and so i smsing suyen like nuts.. keep telling her..I'M HERE EDI LA..i'm BORED LA.. hurRY UP la!! and they reached..ahahhaha..ONE BIG GROUP OKAY..trishil, suyen,me,andrew,richard,munhong, anonymous indian dude and the 'white shirt guy' and mynnmen or wtv her name is..hahaha..all HYPER D WAN OK..i saw them i hyper edi.. ahhahaha..
we were all damn bising in the train and some dude actually took a picture of us behind our backs and the flash was so big we stared at him thinking..we're gonna be on the papers for doing something bad..ahhahaha.... all the swear words came out and corrupted stuff came out in the train like it was our home..ahahhaha
it was so fun.... hahahah.. laughing all the way..making so much noise... ahhahaha..den we went all the way to KJ to drop trishil, white shirt guy and RICHARD..ahhah...den suyen went back at taman paramount..left me. andrew and munhong...and we were getting of the Tmn Jaya and munhong was like..u all go lah..i go back myself..and i'm like...oopsss... gomen..steal andrew from u.. /gg we were in Amcorp..had to buy the tag thing for Karen..anyway...i went back home..reach at 6..ahahahha..tidor till 6.15pm..did some theory and went for piano...
i'm tired now..feel like sleeping but..malas..ahahhaha..stupid rite?
i guess the fact that there's a possibility that he..sigh...might move to another state... clouded my mind so much..
driving back..i was still thinking about it i missed a turning at the highway to go home..
luckily infront got another one...
then this morning, drive to college..was driving and i sorta drift into thinking about again without me noticing and there was a huge pothole on the right and i just sped past and *BANG*..
my dad practically screamed and i was like.. what was that? he was like..
and i just went like owhh..and i drift back to my own thinking and drove
eventhough i just practically not notice a big hole on the road..
so stupid...suyen said don't drive like this or i might crash..ahahahha..maybe she's right..
i feel worse now..more depressed..dunno why..sigh.. feel like crying..ahahahha..
dunno why..oopsss... sigh..crying...this is bad...thank God exams are over...
think happy thoughts..think happy thoughts...
just now went to amcorp with suyen..saw a few a bit and joke a bit..
bought nail polish with suyen..erm......den i saw eddy when i reached amcorp and i was like..
EDDY!!!! he's like..wat u doing here? i was like YOU COULD HAVE FETCHED ME HERE YOU BIG BUFFOON.. and he said..u never ask also..i'm like..roar!!
today had went well..mhmm..that's about it..i guess...
i need to go straighten myself up......... sigh..................................................................................
after the 2 days of curiousity andrew made me go through, he finally asked me 'the' question which i totally wished he didn't... gave me a shocked like.. outta the blue... he was like.. wat if i moved far far away? I WAS LIKE THINKING IN MY HEAD.. 'FAR FAR AWAY' ??? expression/action at that moment.. stoned and shocked.. finally understood why he wanted to ask me in person.. so maybe there's a 50-50 chance he goes to a different state to study.. noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
absorb the shock yet..most probably the latter.. because after awhile, i started crying..
i didn't mean to cry at just... sigh... why did i cry anyway?? and i stop..den cry den stop den cry.. wat was wrong with me?? PMS sumore..ahahhaa..i guess that's why also le..
wished i just died of curiousity rather than died knowing the fact..
hopefully it turns out alright lah...sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..
i shall go resume writing my will... jya ne...~ sigh
today woke up..had pizza for breakfast..the one u buy from carrefour and put in microwave and's done.. bon apetit! den about 1 something after mom finish wd hse work and i cleaned my room.. went to ikano...3pm only had lunch at Old Town Kopitiam..had otak otak nasi lemak..and dad ordered extra side was damn nice but i ate till i cried.. hahaha... den shop shop shop shop shop and bumped into Janice and Ebelyn..
damn tired... writing my will now.. update some other time ^^ jya ne!!
den i went to the piano... was abt 10.30am..
den came and i'm was 1.30am.. practically i was on the piano the whole morning!! no wonder my wrist hurt..over strain edi..but i was so syok..i wanted to go play sumore but it's aw's turn..hahahaha.. well at least today..that about 4hours he spent on the piano... he finished half of the song. Eternity ~Memories of Lightwaves. And he got it by memory..not bad not bad..hahahhaha..
so den after he left, i played Worms Armageddon for abt 10mins? den it expired [ yes it's the trial version and i'm waiting for AW TO FIND HIS CD AND GIMME *hint hint* ] so den automatically, i went to the piano was 6pm.. i transcribe a bit more Saku To Aki.. not easy.. but anyway, den i play play play and den my grandma was like DINNER!! i'm like..harr? i see the time..7.30pm edi... i was like...WHY TIME SO FAST PAST WAN?!! maybe because i'm having fun..hahhaha..whole day at the i had my dinner.. hahha and i'm blogging now..since i've nth to do and i can't piano coz francine is having BM tuition now...
wat to do..den just now when aw was still around andrew was like..he's still there..i'm like yep.. den he's like..msg me when he's gone.. so i was like okay lorr... and besides, earlier on he was gaming marr..den when aw left..andrew offline..WAHH..TAKUT GILER..I INGAT DIA MARAH...but he wasn't..ahahaha..he came back on9 and he okay ajerr..^^ scared the hell outta me.. =P anyway, i got this Desktop Worm from Worms..IT'S SO CUTE MANN....suyen thinks it's too similar to a real worm and she refuses to have one...swt...even andrew says it's cute!! and aw was like..hey! worms! and my sister also say it's chun..suyen suyen.. =.=" i wonder if i have to be driver 2mrw..deng...
9 Days To SPM Results!!~ can't wait ^^