
as we all know, it's pretty obvious that i'm not someone who will consistently update journals, diaries and what not...

but this blog is where i always come back to read moments of my past..and here i am, documenting a moment where i want to remember..

and that moment was when andrew said, 'let's elope' last night.. to which i said, 'why? what for?'
..and he said something along the lines of.. ' let's just go somewhere simple, we don't have to work so hard but just spend time together and live our lives comfortably happy..'

..and hearing that felt greatly heart warming, and why?
what did two simple words actually mean to my studded ears?

..that we were on the same page..

something that i've not been thinking about too much but it's been around in my brain for a bit..
i try not to think about too deeply or too seriously because hey, what's the point?

and in the end, it's great to know that we both realized what we want in our relationship or in our lives.. we just wanted to spend time with each other, living simple lives and enjoying each other's company..

oh, how i wish..


the next step seems so scary... but in truth, no matter who you are, everyone has to go through it..

i've had so much to say and yet i kept it all boiled up inside... you were never wrong, but if you don't let me fall, i will never learn...there's so much to say and yet so little..courage...

i wonder if one day, i'll just do it...or i will explain it all then do it...

as the days pass by, the maze doesn't seem so tough to get out.. i just had to keep my right hand on the right wall to eventually find my way out (true fact) . . . but when the light shines upon my face when i reach the gates of freewill, will i lock the doors and encase myself

or will i shatter the lock?

i believe now..and strongly believe that.... i want to live my life to please myself, for my own sake and my own happiness....and not live my life for your sake and your happiness....

and no matter how many times this runs through my head....

but for now, what i have now... is enough...

you are the one thing that i'm now so sure of..

Happy Anniversary! <3


it seems that our short meetings and dinners have caused this in me...

there's been such change in merely the weeks of internship, and it might take time getting used to.. but i'm loving every minute... but every time it's time to say goodbye, i leave with this uneasy feeling.. i feel so upset...

it feels like there's so much time but why do we only get this bit...

this bit where we share our stories, our little jokes and our stolen kisses.....



i need help..

i need someone who understands what i’m going through…




i’ve never been more lost in my life than i am now…


it seems that every major decision in my life is waiting for my answer now…


i’m so lost…


everyone is born in a cage….

but not everyone realizes that their whole life’s been encaged..

and when some break free, some of us can only shed our tears and drown in our pool of sadness,

some are comfortable in their cages and some don’t even realize it..

and for those of us in our cages, drowning in our pool of sorrow..which from what i know, many of my buddies… (not cursing you guys)

it’s okay..we’re all in the same boat~

that’s why God let us find each other…

He gave us hands to pull each other out of our pool of sorrow,

He gave us speech so that our words may comfort each other,

He gave us ears so that we may listen to each other’s tales,

He gave us eyes to see through our masks and know of our sorrows,

……this post sounds too emo…… let’s add a bit of “me” in it~

He gave us noses so that we may smell the food we have during our emo yumcha time~

We have each other, so don’t shy away in times of trouble..

Though we have differences, we’re here for each other…

~~ o ~~

On another hand, it’s great to have you back JieYing~ teehee~ ^^


what you said out of adrenaline..or whatever hormone rushing through your brain just to argue with what i have to say almost brought me to tears…


i know what i want is merely to give myself an ounce of hope… but you caged it almost instantly… and it felt hurtful..

but it’s okay…..a short talk with my besties gave me a picture of what you may be thinking on your side.. it’s okay for now…

About this blog

tomoko is having andrewithdrawal syndrome~
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andrew and tomoko

