the whole day of today, i watched this series i've been waiting to watch since 2 years back..i didn't finish it because the DVD that andrew burnt for me was faulty..this time..he gave it to me in my hard disk..and i spent the whole day watching Sekai Chuusin de, Ai wo sakebu... i cried the whole day... hey, i cry watching Lilo and Stitch...
this is like this super awesome good sad sad after i spent the whole day crying while watching the series...
i cried again after it all ended..why..i have no idea~
and then it hit me..
i have no idea what i wanna be after i graduate...i don't know what jobs are available..or what should i be doing..??
and ...all i know is....who i wanna spend my life with in the future...
it's kinda sad...and being emo and
i posted it in Facebook and along comes Ann-Marie whom we were school mates from before but rarely talk..
and she comes and tells me that it's least i solve half of life's decision God knows what she said..
and it actually cheered me up a because what she said WAS true~

yeah so anyway, that's about it lah... /XD

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tomoko is having andrewithdrawal syndrome~
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andrew and tomoko

