woke up around 10 something-ish...? did house work..clean the house...tidy my room....mop and sweep upstairs...then wash clothes....why? because i going shopping with drew after lunch ma... mltan100.blogspot.com

reached his house about 2.20pm just to find that his grandma was in...and his sister had friends over..MALU....!!! mltan100.blogspot.com anyway..was meddling with his com when he went to bath...(his dad came home also..aiyoyo...mltan100.blogspot.com) playing Counter Strike...then suddenly..BLUE SCREEN..panic..stared at the screen..then i thought...the screen too striking...off the monitor...wait for andrew come out of the bathroom...mltan100.blogspot.com good idea.. he came out..( mind you i was half panicky and anxious...i hate blue screens) and he said...just restart la..and he just push the restart button and...tada..i was like.....mltan100.blogspot.com

anyway, then i TRIED playing Comand and Conquer 3...i just started the tutorial for a few minutes and we had to leave..i've decided..i want that game... /XD anyway, decided to go MV..and guess what...we "wanted" to go catch a movie..but nothing seem to be nice..so we just jalan-jalan only..eat ice-cream..blue color ice-cream from Baskin and Robbins..we had dinner at KFC...and there was this cute chubby little baby girl next to us...i noticed her the moment they arrived...after we finish eating..andrew suddenly say..eh...that baby so cute..just realized..i was like....erk........blogger-emoticon.blogspot.com so cute also can miss...aiyoyoh...anyway...nothing else la..just jalan-jalan with him only...oh yeah..and i got suyen's christmas present...

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tomoko is having andrewithdrawal syndrome~
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